[petsc-users] Configure error while building PETSc with CUDA/MVAPICH2-GDR

Sreeram R Venkat srvenkat at utexas.edu
Fri Dec 8 12:53:13 CST 2023

I am trying to build PETSc with CUDA using the CUDA-Aware MVAPICH2-GDR.

Here is my configure command:

./configure PETSC_ARCH=linux-c-debug-mvapich2-gdr --download-hypre
 --with-cuda=true --cuda-dir=$TACC_CUDA_DIR --with-hdf5=true
--with-hdf5-dir=$TACC_PHDF5_DIR --download-elemental --download-metis
--download-parmetis --with-cc=mpicc --with-cxx=mpicxx --with-fc=mpif90

which errors with:

          UNABLE to CONFIGURE with GIVEN OPTIONS (see configure.log for
  CUDA compile failed with arch flags " -ccbin mpic++ -std=c++14 -Xcompiler
  -Xcompiler -fvisibility=hidden -g -lineinfo -gencode
  generated from "--with-cuda-arch=80"

The same configure command works when I use the Intel MPI and I can build
with CUDA. The full config.log file is attached. Please let me know if you
need any other information. I appreciate your help with this.

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