[petsc-users] PCHPDDM and matrix type

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Mon Apr 17 17:55:30 CDT 2023

I don't think so. Can you show the whole stack?



On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 6:24 PM Alexander Lindsay <alexlindsay239 at gmail.com>

> If it helps: if I use those exact same options in serial, then no errors
> and the linear solve is beautiful :-)
> On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 4:22 PM Alexander Lindsay <
> alexlindsay239 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm likely revealing a lot of ignorance, but in order to use HPDDM as a
>> preconditioner does my system matrix (I am using the same matrix for A and
>> P) need to be block type, e.g. baij or sbaij ? In MOOSE our default is aij
>> and I am currently getting
>> [1]PETSC ERROR: #1 buildTwo() at
>> /raid/lindad/moose/petsc/arch-moose/include/HPDDM_schwarz.hpp:1012
>> with options:
>> -pc_type hpddm -pc_hpddm_block_splitting -pc_hpddm_coarse_mat_type baij
>> -pc_hpddm_coarse_pc_type lu -pc_hpddm_define_subdomains
>> -pc_hpddm_levels_1_eps_gen_non_hermitian -pc_hpddm_levels_1_eps_nev 50
>> -pc_hpddm_levels_1_eps_threshold 0.1 -pc_hpddm_levels_1_st_matstructure
>> SAME -pc_hpddm_levels_1_st_share_sub_ksp
>> -pc_hpddm_levels_1_sub_pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps
>> -pc_hpddm_levels_1_sub_pc_type lu
>> Alex

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https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/ <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
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