[petsc-users] Solve Linear System with Field Split Preconditioner

晓峰 何 tlanyan at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 25 23:35:58 CDT 2022

If assigned a preconditioner to A11 with this cmd options:

   -fieldsplit_0_ksp_type gmres -fieldsplit_0_pc_type ilu -fieldsplit_1_ksp_type gmres -fieldsplit_1_pc_type ilu

Then I got this error:

"Could not locate a solver type for factorization type ILU and matrix type schurcomplement"

How could I specify a preconditioner for A11?


On Sep 26, 2022, at 11:02, 晓峰 何 <tlanyan at hotmail.com<mailto:tlanyan at hotmail.com>> wrote:

-fieldsplit_0_ksp_type gmres -fieldsplit_0_pc_type ilu -fieldsplit_1_ksp_type gmres -fieldsplit_1_pc_type none

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