[petsc-users] Error running src/snes/tutorials/ex19 on Nvidia Tesla K40m : CUDA ERROR (code = 101, invalid device ordinal)

Juan Pablo de Lima Costa Salazar jp.salazar at pm.me
Fri Jul 15 09:49:06 CDT 2022


I would like to report that after recompiling openmpi with cuda support and recompiling petsc with the option

>>>> --download-hypre-configure-arguments=--enable-unified-memory

I still got the error

>>>> CUDA ERROR (code = 101, invalid device ordinal) at memory.c:139

when using hypre.

So it is not an issue of mpi cuda support. I ran ex19 without the "-use_gpu_aware_mpi 0” option. Maybe it has something to do with the Tesla K40m GPUs. However, on their website:

“In CUDA 6, Unified Memory is supported starting with the Kepler GPU architecture (Compute Capability 3.0 or higher), on 64-bit Windows 7, 8, and Linux operating systems (Kernel 2.6.18+).”

In any case, thanks again for helping out with this.

Juan S.
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