[petsc-users] problem with spack instaler (trilinos link)

FOURMONT Axel axel.fourmont at cea.fr
Wed Jan 26 02:55:17 CST 2022

ok thanks


De : Satish Balay <balay at mcs.anl.gov>
Envoyé : mardi 25 janvier 2022 17:46:50
Cc : petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov
Objet : Re: [petsc-users] problem with spack instaler (trilinos link)

Yeah petsc+trilinos is currently broken in spack.

On the petsc side - we currently use minimal ml tarball and that doesn't translate to full trilinos install.

So if you need this feature - the current fix is to install petsc manually - without spack
[or hack spack to add in '--download-ml' to petsc configure option - and not use +trilinos]


On Tue, 25 Jan 2022, FOURMONT Axel wrote:

> Dear PETSc developers,
> First of all thank you for your work!
> I try to use the spack tool to install petsc with mumps: spack install petsc+mumps~hdf5 (with the good version for compilers). All is OK, PETSc works fine.
> But now, I want acces to ML preconditioner, so I need install a PETSc version with trilinos: spack install petsc+mumps+trilinos~hdf5
> The compilation fails (in the check phase), I notices 2 things:
> petsc links on trilinos/lib64 but the directory path is lib
> I make a symbolic link: ln -s trilinos/lib trilinos/lib64 to try solve it
> Also there is an error with the definition of Zoltan_Create()
> Can you help me please?
> I attach the configure.log.
> I use the last spack release v0.17.1 and
> ubuntu 20.04 with gcc-10 gfortran-10, openmpi 4.0.3 from apt instaler
> Thanks,
> Axel

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