[petsc-users] DMLabel Views

Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi narnoldm at umich.edu
Fri Dec 30 18:51:52 CST 2022

Hi Petsc Users

I'm in the process of tagging cells in a DMPlex for identification before a
mesh filter. I'm trying to debug some issues related to my tagging metrics
that is only appearing for more complex meshes. This makes using the ASCII
DMLabelView a little tedious to parse and I was wondering if there is a
convenient way to visualize DMLabels on the mesh. At least, from what I can
tell, I can't send the DMLabel into a VTK file.

I'm considering making a 1 DOF vector and just copying the Label values
into it and visualizing that, but I wanted to ask if there is a more
convenient way.


Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi

Ph.D. Candidate
Computational Aeroscience Lab
University of Michigan
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