[petsc-users] Petsc Section in DMPlex

Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi narnoldm at umich.edu
Thu Dec 8 11:50:36 CST 2022

I think I've figured out the issue. In previous efforts, I used DMAddField,
which I think was key for the output to work properly.

On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 10:48 AM Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi <
narnoldm at umich.edu> wrote:

> Hi Matt
> Thanks. Found the issue just messed up the Fortran to C indexing.
> Another question. I have been using the Petsc VTK output to view things.
> In some previous efforts, I used the PetscFVM object to set up my section
> data. When I output vectors using that method in ParaView, I could view the
> rank information and the state vector to visualize. As far as I can tell
> when I do the same with Vectors that were created with my manually created
> section the VecView using PETSCVIEWERVTK only mesh is output with the Rank
> distribution is viewable (basically as if I had done a DM output instead of
> a Vec output). My guess is this is because I'm not setting something in my
> section Field setup properly for the VTK viewer to output it?
> For my section set up, I am calling
> PetscSectionCreate
> PetscSectionSetChart
> PetscSectionSetFieldName
> and then the appropriate PetscSectionSetDof
> PetscSectionSetup
> DMSetLocalSection
> Thanks again for all the help.
> Sincerely
> Nicholas
> On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 7:27 AM Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 3:04 AM Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi <
>> narnoldm at umich.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Matt
>>> I think I've gotten it just about there. I'm just having an issue with
>>> the VecISCopy. I have an IS built that matches size correctly to map from
>>> the full state to the filtered state. The core issue I think, is should the
>>> expanded IS the ownership range of the vector subtracted out. Looking at
>>> the implementation, it looks like VecISCopy takes care of that for me.
>>> (Line 573 in src/vec/vec/utils/projection.c) But I could be mistaken.
>> It is a good question. We have tried to give guidance on the manpage:
>>   The index set identifies entries in the global vector. Negative indices
>> are skipped; indices outside the ownership range of vfull will raise an
>> error.
>> which means that it expects _global_ indices, and you have retrieved the
>> global section, so that matches.
>> The calculation of the index size looks right to me, and so does the
>> index calculation.
>> I would put a check in the loop, making sure that the calculated indices
>> lie within [oStart, oEnd). The global
>> section is designed to ensure that. It is not clear why one would lie
>> outside.
>> When I am debugging, I run a very small problem, and print out all the
>> sections.
>>   Thanks,
>>      Matt
>>> The error I am getting is:
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: No support for this operation for this object type
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Only owned values supported
>>> Here is what I am currently doing.
>>> call DMPlexFilter(dmplex_full, iBlankLabel, 1, dmplex_filtered,ierr)
>>> call DMPlexGetSubpointIS(dmplex_filtered, subpointsIS,ierr)
>>> ! adds section to dmplex_filtered and allocates vec_filtered using
>>> DMCreateGlobalVector
>>> call addSectionToDMPlex(dmplex_filtered,vec_filtered)
>>> ! Get Sections for dmplex_filtered and dmplex_full
>>> call DMGetGlobalSection(dmplex_filtered,filteredfieldSection,ierr)
>>> call DMGetGlobalSection(dmplex_full,fullfieldSection,ierr)
>>> call ISGetIndicesF90(subpointsIS, subPointKey,ierr)
>>> ExpandedIndexSize = 0
>>> do i = 1, size(subPointKey)
>>>     call PetscSectionGetDof(fullfieldSection, subPointKey(i), dof,ierr)
>>>     ExpandedIndexSize = ExpandedIndexSize + dof
>>> enddo
>>> !Create expandedIS from offset sections of full and filtered sections
>>> allocate(ExpandedIndex(ExpandedIndexSize))
>>> call VecGetOwnershipRange(vec_full,oStart,oEnd,ierr)
>>> do i = 1, size(subPointKey)
>>>     call PetscSectionGetOffset(fullfieldSection, subPointKey(i),
>>> offset,ierr)
>>>     call PetscSectionGetDof(fullfieldSection, subPointKey(i), dof,ierr)
>>>     !offset=offset-oStart   !looking at VecIScopy it takes care of this
>>> subtraction (not sure)
>>>     do j = 1, (dof)
>>>         ExpandedIndex((i-1)*dof+j) = offset+j
>>>     end do
>>> enddo
>>> call ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, ExpandedIndexSize,
>>> ExpandedIndex, PETSC_COPY_VALUES, expandedIS,ierr)
>>> call ISRestoreIndicesF90(subpointsIS, subPointKey,ierr)
>>> deallocate(ExpandedIndex)
>>> call VecGetLocalSize(vec_full,sizeVec,ierr)
>>> write(*,*) sizeVec
>>> call VecGetLocalSize(vec_filtered,sizeVec,ierr)
>>> write(*,*) sizeVec
>>> call ISGetLocalSize(expandedIS,sizeVec,ierr)
>>> write(*,*) sizeVec
>>> call PetscSynchronizedFlush(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
>>> call VecISCopy(vec_full,expandedIS,SCATTER_REVERSE,vec_filtered,ierr)
>>> Thanks again for the great help.
>>> Sincerely
>>> Nicholas
>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 9:29 PM Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 9:21 PM Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi <
>>>> narnoldm at umich.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you for the help.
>>>>> I think the last piece of the puzzle is how do I create the "expanded
>>>>> IS" from the subpoint IS using the section?
>>>> Loop over the points in the IS. For each point, get the dof and offset
>>>> from the Section. Make a new IS that has all the
>>>> dogs, namely each run [offset, offset+dof).
>>>>   Thanks,
>>>>      Matt
>>>>> Sincerely
>>>>> Nicholas
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 7:06 AM Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 6:51 AM Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi <
>>>>>> narnoldm at umich.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>> Thank you so much for your patience. One thing to note: I don't have
>>>>>>> any need to go back from the filtered distributed mapping back to the full
>>>>>>> but it is good to know.
>>>>>>> One aside question.
>>>>>>> 1) Is natural and global ordering the same in this context?
>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>> As far as implementing what you have described.
>>>>>>> When I call ISView on the generated SubpointIS, I get an unusual
>>>>>>> error which I'm not sure how to interpret. (this case is running on 2 ranks
>>>>>>> and the filter label has points located on both ranks of the original DM.
>>>>>>> However, if I manually get the indices (the commented lines), it seems to
>>>>>>> not have any issues.
>>>>>>> call DMPlexFilter(dmplex_full, iBlankLabel, 1, dmplex_filtered,ierr)
>>>>>>> call DMPlexGetSubpointIS(dmplex_filtered, subpointsIS,ierr)
>>>>>>> !call ISGetIndicesF90(subpointsIS, subPointKey,ierr)
>>>>>>> !write(*,*) subPointKey
>>>>>>> !call ISRestoreIndicesF90(subpointsIS, subPointKey,ierr)
>>>>>>> call ISView(subpointsIS,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD,ierr)
>>>>>>> [1]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> [1]PETSC ERROR: Arguments must have same communicators
>>>>>>> [1]PETSC ERROR: Different communicators in the two objects: Argument
>>>>>>> # 1 and 2 flag 3
>>>>>>> [1]PETSC ERROR: See https://petsc.org/release/faq/ for trouble
>>>>>>> shooting.
>>>>>>> [1]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Development GIT revision:
>>>>>>> v3.18.1-320-g7810d690132  GIT Date: 2022-11-20 20:25:41 -0600
>>>>>>> [1]PETSC ERROR: Configure options with-fc=mpiifort
>>>>>>> with-mpi-f90=mpiifort --download-triangle --download-parmetis
>>>>>>> --download-metis --with-debugging=1 --download-hdf5
>>>>>>> --prefix=/home/narnoldm/packages/petsc_install
>>>>>>> [1]PETSC ERROR: #1 ISView() at
>>>>>>> /home/narnoldm/packages/petsc/src/vec/is/is/interface/index.c:1629
>>>>>> The problem here is the subpointsIS is a _serial_ object, and you are
>>>>>> using a parallel viewer. You can use PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF,
>>>>>> or you can pull out the singleton viewer from STDOUT_WORLD if you
>>>>>> want them all to print in order.
>>>>>>> As far as the overall process you have described my question on
>>>>>>> first glance is do I have to allocate/create the vector that is output by
>>>>>>> VecISCopy before calling it, or does it create the vector automatically?
>>>>>> You create both vectors. I would do it using DMCreateGlobalVector()
>>>>>> from both DMs.
>>>>>>> I think I would need to create it first using a section and Setting
>>>>>>> the Vec in the filtered DM?
>>>>>> Setting the Section in the filtered DM.
>>>>>>> And I presume in this case I would be using the scatter reverse
>>>>>>> option to go from the full set to the reduced set?
>>>>>> Yes
>>>>>>   Thanks
>>>>>>      Matt
>>>>>>> Sincerely
>>>>>>> Nicholas
>>>>>>> Sincerely
>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 6:00 AM Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 3:35 AM Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi <
>>>>>>>> narnoldm at umich.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Matthew
>>>>>>>>> Thank you for the help. This clarified a great deal.
>>>>>>>>> I have a follow-up question related to DMPlexFilter. It may be
>>>>>>>>> better to describe what I'm trying to achieve.
>>>>>>>>> I have a general mesh I am solving which has a section with cell
>>>>>>>>> center finite volume states, as described in my initial email. After
>>>>>>>>> calculating some metrics, I tag a bunch of cells with an identifying Label
>>>>>>>>> and use DMFilter to generate a new DM which is only that subset of cells.
>>>>>>>>> Generally, this leads to a pretty unbalanced DM so I then plan to use
>>>>>>>>> DMPlexDIstribute to balance that DM across the processors. The coordinates
>>>>>>>>> pass along fine, but the state(or I should say Section) does not at least
>>>>>>>>> as far as I can tell.
>>>>>>>>> Assuming I can get a filtered DM I then distribute the DM and
>>>>>>>>> state using the method you described above and it seems to be working ok.
>>>>>>>>> The last connection I have to make is the transfer of information
>>>>>>>>> from the full mesh to the "sampled" filtered mesh. From what I can gather I
>>>>>>>>> would need to get the mapping of points using DMPlexGetSubpointIS and then
>>>>>>>>> manually copy the values from the full DM section to the filtered DM? I
>>>>>>>>> have the process from full->filtered->distributed all working for the
>>>>>>>>> coordinates so its just a matter of transferring the section correctly.
>>>>>>>>> I appreciate all the help you have provided.
>>>>>>>> Let's do this in two steps, which makes it easier to debug. First,
>>>>>>>> do not redistribute the submesh. Just use DMPlexGetSubpointIS()
>>>>>>>> to get the mapping of filtered points to points in the original
>>>>>>>> mesh. Then create an expanded IS using the Section which makes
>>>>>>>> dofs in the filtered mesh to dofs in the original mesh. From this
>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>   https://petsc.org/main/docs/manualpages/Vec/VecISCopy/
>>>>>>>> to move values between the original vector and the filtered vector.
>>>>>>>> Once that works, you can try redistributing the filtered mesh.
>>>>>>>> Before calling DMPlexDistribute() on the filtered mesh, you need to call
>>>>>>>>   https://petsc.org/main/docs/manualpages/DM/DMSetUseNatural/
>>>>>>>> When you redistribute, it will compute a mapping back to the
>>>>>>>> original layout. Now when you want to transfer values, you
>>>>>>>>   1) Create a natural vector with DMCreateNaturalVec()
>>>>>>>>   2) Use DMGlobalToNaturalBegin/End() to move values from the
>>>>>>>> filtered vector to the natural vector
>>>>>>>>   3) Use VecISCopy() to move values from the natural vector to the
>>>>>>>> original vector
>>>>>>>> Let me know if you have any problems.
>>>>>>>>   Thanks,
>>>>>>>>      Matt
>>>>>>>>> Sincerely
>>>>>>>>> Nicholas
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 6:19 AM Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Nov 27, 2022 at 10:22 PM Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi <
>>>>>>>>>> narnoldm at umich.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Petsc Users
>>>>>>>>>>> I have a question about properly using PetscSection to
>>>>>>>>>>> assign state variables to a DM. I have an existing DMPlex mesh distributed
>>>>>>>>>>> on 2 processors. My goal is to have state variables set to the cell
>>>>>>>>>>> centers. I then want to call DMPlexDistribute, which I hope will balance
>>>>>>>>>>> the mesh elements and hopefully transport the state variables to the
>>>>>>>>>>> hosting processors as the cells are distributed to a different processor
>>>>>>>>>>> count or simply just redistributing after doing mesh adaption.
>>>>>>>>>>> Looking at the DMPlex User guide, I should be able to achieve
>>>>>>>>>>> this with a single field section using SetDof and assigning the DOF to the
>>>>>>>>>>> points corresponding to cells.
>>>>>>>>>> Note that if you want several different fields, you can clone the
>>>>>>>>>> DM first for this field
>>>>>>>>>>   call DMClone(dm,dmState,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>> and use dmState in your calls below.
>>>>>>>>>>> call DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm,0,c0,c1,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>>> call DMPlexGetChart(dm,p0,p1,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>>> call PetscSectionCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,section,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>>> call PetscSectionSetNumFields(section,1,ierr) call
>>>>>>>>>>> PetscSectionSetChart(section,p0,p1,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>>> do i = c0, (c1-1)
>>>>>>>>>>>     call PetscSectionSetDof(section,i,nvar,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>>> end do
>>>>>>>>>>> call PetscSectionSetup(section,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>>> call DMSetLocalSection(dm,section,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>> In the loop, I would add a call to
>>>>>>>>>>   call PetscSectionSetFieldDof(section,i,0,nvar,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>> This also puts in the field breakdown. It is not essential, but
>>>>>>>>>> nicer.
>>>>>>>>>>> From here, it looks like I can access and set the state vars
>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>> call DMGetGlobalVector(dmplex,state,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>>> call DMGetGlobalSection(dmplex,section,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>>> call VecGetArrayF90(state,stateVec,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>>> do i = c0, (c1-1)
>>>>>>>>>>> call PetscSectionGetOffset(section,i,offset,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>>> stateVec(offset:(offset+nvar))=state_i(:) !simplified assignment
>>>>>>>>>>> end do
>>>>>>>>>>> call VecRestoreArrayF90(state,stateVec,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>>> call DMRestoreGlobalVector(dmplex,state,ierr)
>>>>>>>>>>> To my understanding, I should be using Global vector since this
>>>>>>>>>>> is a pure assignment operation and I don't need the ghost cells.
>>>>>>>>>> Yes.
>>>>>>>>>> But the behavior I am seeing isn't exactly what I'd expect.
>>>>>>>>>>> To be honest, I'm somewhat unclear on a few things
>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Should be using nvar fields with 1 DOF each or 1 field with
>>>>>>>>>>> nvar DOFs or what the distinction between the two methods are?
>>>>>>>>>> We have two divisions in a Section. A field can have a number of
>>>>>>>>>> components. This is intended to model a vector or tensor field.
>>>>>>>>>> Then a Section can have a number of fields, such as velocity and
>>>>>>>>>> pressure for a Stokes problem. The division is mainly to help the
>>>>>>>>>> user, so I would use the most natural one.
>>>>>>>>>>> 2) Adding a print statement after the offset assignment I get
>>>>>>>>>>> (on rank 0 of 2)
>>>>>>>>>>> cell           1 offset           0
>>>>>>>>>>>  cell           2 offset          18
>>>>>>>>>>>  cell           3 offset          36
>>>>>>>>>>> which is expected and works but on rank 1 I get
>>>>>>>>>>>  cell           1 offset        9000
>>>>>>>>>>>  cell           2 offset        9018
>>>>>>>>>>>  cell           3 offset        9036
>>>>>>>>>>> which isn't exactly what I would expect. Shouldn't the offsets
>>>>>>>>>>> reset at 0 for the next rank?
>>>>>>>>>> The local and global sections hold different information. This is
>>>>>>>>>> the source of the confusion. The local section does describe a local
>>>>>>>>>> vector, and thus includes overlap or "ghost" dofs. The global
>>>>>>>>>> section describes a global vector. However, it is intended to deliver
>>>>>>>>>> global indices, and thus the offsets give back global indices.
>>>>>>>>>> When you use VecGetArray*() you are getting out the local array, and
>>>>>>>>>> thus you have to subtract the first index on this process. You
>>>>>>>>>> can get that from
>>>>>>>>>>   VecGetOwnershipRange(v, &rstart, &rEnd);
>>>>>>>>>> This is the same whether you are using DMDA or DMPlex or any
>>>>>>>>>> other DM.
>>>>>>>>>>> 3) Does calling DMPlexDistribute also distribute the section
>>>>>>>>>>> data associated with the DOF, based on the description in DMPlexDistribute
>>>>>>>>>>> it looks like it should?
>>>>>>>>>> No. By default, DMPlexDistribute() only distributes coordinate
>>>>>>>>>> data. I you want to distribute your field, it would look something like
>>>>>>>>>> this:
>>>>>>>>>> DMPlexDistribute(dm, 0, &sfDist, &dmDist);
>>>>>>>>>> VecCreate(comm, &stateDist);
>>>>>>>>>> VecSetDM(sateDist, dmDist);
>>>>>>>>>> PetscSectionCreate(comm &sectionDist);
>>>>>>>>>> DMSetLocalSection(dmDist, sectionDist);
>>>>>>>>>> DMPlexDistributeField(dmDist, sfDist, section, state,
>>>>>>>>>> sectionDist, stateDist);
>>>>>>>>>> We do this in src/dm/impls/plex/tests/ex36.c
>>>>>>>>>>   THanks,
>>>>>>>>>>      Matt
>>>>>>>>>> I'd appreciate any insight into the specifics of this usage. I
>>>>>>>>>>> expect I have a misconception on the local vs global section. Thank you.
>>>>>>>>>>> Sincerely
>>>>>>>>>>> Nicholas
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi
>>>>>>>>>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>>>>>>>>>> Computational Aeroscience Lab
>>>>>>>>>>> University of Michigan
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>>>>>>>>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>>>>>>>>>> experiments lead.
>>>>>>>>>> -- Norbert Wiener
>>>>>>>>>> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/
>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi
>>>>>>>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>>>>>>>> Computational Aeroscience Lab
>>>>>>>>> University of Michigan
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>>>>>>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>>>>>>>> experiments lead.
>>>>>>>> -- Norbert Wiener
>>>>>>>> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/
>>>>>>>> <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi
>>>>>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>>>>>> Computational Aeroscience Lab
>>>>>>> University of Michigan
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>>>>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>>>>>> experiments lead.
>>>>>> -- Norbert Wiener
>>>>>> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/
>>>>>> <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
>>>>> --
>>>>> Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi
>>>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>>>> Computational Aeroscience Lab
>>>>> University of Michigan
>>>> --
>>>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>>>> experiments lead.
>>>> -- Norbert Wiener
>>>> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/
>>>> <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
>>> --
>>> Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi
>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>> Computational Aeroscience Lab
>>> University of Michigan
>> --
>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>> experiments lead.
>> -- Norbert Wiener
>> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/
>> <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
> --
> Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi
> Ph.D. Candidate
> Computational Aeroscience Lab
> University of Michigan

Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi

Ph.D. Candidate
Computational Aeroscience Lab
University of Michigan
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