[petsc-users] Possibilities to VecScatter to a sparse Vector-Format

Hannes Phil Niklas Brandt s6hsbran at uni-bonn.de
Thu Sep 30 08:39:00 CDT 2021


I      intend to compute a parallel Matrix-Vector-Product (via MPI) and 
     therefore would like to scatter the entries of the input MPI-Vec v 
     to      a local vector containing all entries relevant to the current 

To        achieve this I tried defining        a VecScatter, which 
       scatters        from v        to a sequential Vec        v_seq (each 
process has it's own version of v_seq). However,        storing v_seq (which 
has one        entry for each global row, thus        containing a large 
amount of        zero-entries)        may demand too        much storage 
space (in        comparison to my data-sparse Matrix-Storage-Format).

I        am interested in possibilities to scatter v to a sparse Vec-type 
       to avoid storing unnecessary large        amounts of 
       zero-entries. Is there a sparse Vector format in Petsc 
       compatible to        the VecScatter procedure        or is there 
another efficient way to compute        Matrix-Vector-Products 
       without usinglarge amounts        of storage space on each process?

Best      Regards
     Hannes      Brandt

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