[petsc-users] Scaling of the Petsc Binary Viewer

Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu thibault.bridelbertomeu at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 06:34:48 CDT 2021

Hi Matthew,

Thank you for your answer ! So I tried to add those steps, and I have the
same behavior as the one described in this thread :


*[0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
ERROR: Object is in wrong state[0]PETSC ERROR: DM global to natural SF was
not created.You must call DMSetUseNatural() before
DMPlexDistribute().[0]PETSC ERROR: See
<https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html> for trouble
shooting.[0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Development GIT revision:
v3.14.4-671-g707297fd510  GIT Date: 2021-02-24 22:50:05 +0000[0]PETSC
ERROR: /ccc/work/cont001/ocre/bridelbert/EULERIAN2D/bin/eulerian2D on a
 named inti1401 by bridelbert Thu Jul  8 07:50:24 2021[0]PETSC ERROR:
Configure options --with-clean=1
--with-make-np=8 --with-windows-graphics=0 --with-debugging=1
--download-mpich-shared=0 --with-x=0 --with-pthread=0 --with-valgrind=0
--with-cmake-dir=/ccc/products/cmake-3.13.3/system/default[0]PETSC ERROR:
#1 DMPlexGlobalToNaturalBegin() line 247 in
ERROR: #2 User provided function() line 0 in User file*

The creation of my DM is as follow :

*            ! Read mesh from file name 'meshname'            call
DMPlexCreateFromFile(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, meshname, PETSC_TRUE, dm, ierr);
CHKERRA(ierr)            ! Distribute on processors            call
DMSetUseNatural(dm, PETSC_TRUE, ierr)                                  ;
CHKERRA(ierr)            ! Start with connectivity            call
DMSetBasicAdjacency(dm, PETSC_TRUE, PETSC_FALSE, ierr)                 ;
CHKERRA(ierr)            ! Distribute on processors            call
DMPlexDistribute(dm, overlap, PETSC_NULL_SF, dmDist, ierr)             ;
CHKERRA(ierr)            ! Security check            if (dmDist /=
PETSC_NULL_DM) then                ! Destroy previous dm
call DMDestroy(dm, ierr)                                                ;
CHKERRA(ierr)                ! Replace with dmDist                dm =
dmDist            end if            ! Finalize setup of the object
  call DMSetFromOptions(dm, ierr)
  ; CHKERRA(ierr)            ! Boundary condition with ghost cells
  call DMPlexConstructGhostCells(dm, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,
PETSC_NULL_INTEGER, dmGhost, ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)            ! Security
check            if (dmGhost /= PETSC_NULL_DM) then                !
Destroy previous dm                call DMDestroy(dm, ierr)
                               ; CHKERRA(ierr)                ! Replace
with dmGhost                dm = dmGhost            end if*

And I write my vector as follow :

*                call DMCreateGlobalVector(dm, Xnat, ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)
              call PetscObjectSetName(Xnat, "NaturalSolution", ierr);
CHKERRA(ierr)                call DMPlexGlobalToNaturalBegin(dm, X, Xnat,
ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)                call DMPlexGlobalToNaturalEnd(dm, X,
Xnat, ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)                call
DMGetOutputSequenceNumber(dm, save_seqnum, save_seqval, ierr);
CHKERRA(ierr)                call DMSetOutputSequenceNumber(dm, -1, 0.d0,
ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)                write(filename,'(A,I8.8,A)')
"restart_", stepnum, ".bin"                call
PetscViewerCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, binViewer, ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)
        call PetscViewerSetType(binViewer, PETSCVIEWERBINARY, ierr);
CHKERRA(ierr)                call PetscViewerFileSetMode(binViewer,
FILE_MODE_WRITE, ierr); CHKERRA(ierr);                call
PetscViewerBinarySetUseMPIIO(binViewer, PETSC_TRUE, ierr); CHKERRA(ierr);
              call PetscViewerFileSetName(binViewer, trim(filename), ierr);
CHKERRA(ierr)                ! call VecView(X, binViewer, ierr);
CHKERRA(ierr)                call VecView(Xnat, binViewer, ierr);
CHKERRA(ierr)                call PetscViewerDestroy(binViewer, ierr);
CHKERRA(ierr)                call DMSetOutputSequenceNumber(dm,
save_seqnum, save_seqval, ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)*

Did you find the time to fix the bug you are mentioning in the thread above
regarding the passing of the natural property when calling
DMPlexConstructGhostCells ?

Thanks !!


Le mer. 7 juil. 2021 à 23:46, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> a écrit :

> On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 3:49 PM Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu <
> thibault.bridelbertomeu at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> Thank you for your fast answer.
>> To postprocess the files in python, I use the PetscBinaryIO package that
>> is provided with PETSc, yes.
>> I load the file like this :
>> *import numpy as npimport meshioimport PetscBinaryIO as pioimport
>> matplotlib as mplimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport matplotlib.cm
>> <http://matplotlib.cm> as cmmpl.use('Agg')*
>> *restartname = "restart_00001001.bin"print("Reading {}
>> ...".format(restartname))io = pio.PetscBinaryIO()fh =
>> open(restartname)objecttype = io.readObjectType(fh)data = Noneif objecttype
>> == 'Vec':    data = io.readVec(fh)print("Size of data = ",
>> data.size)print("Size of a single variable (4 variables) = ", data.size /
>> 4)assert(np.isclose(data.size / 4.0, np.floor(data.size / 4.0)))*
>> Then I load the mesh (it's from Gmsh so I use the meshio package) :
>> *meshname = "ForwardFacing.msh"print("Reading {}
>> ...".format(meshname))mesh = meshio.read(meshname)print("Number of vertices
>> = ", mesh.points.shape[0])print("Number of cells = ",
>> mesh.cells_dict['quad'].shape[0])*
>> From the 'data' and the 'mesh' I use tricontourf from matplotlib to plot
>> the figure.
>> I removed the call to ...SetUseMPIIO... and it gives the same kind of
>> data yes (I attached a figure of the data obtained with the binary viewer
>> without MPI I/O).
>> Maybe it's just a connectivity issue ? Maybe the way the Vec is written
>> by the PETSc viewer somehow does not match the connectivity from the ori
>> Gmsh file but some other connectivity of the partitionned DMPlex ?
> Yes, when you distribute the mesh, it gets permuted so that each piece is
> contiguous. This happens on all meshes (DMDA, DMStag, DMPlex, DMForest).
> When it is written out, it just concatenates that ordering, or what we
> usually call the "global order" since it is the order of a global vector.
>> If so, is there a way to get the latter ?
> If you call
> https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-current/docs/manualpages/DM/DMSetUseNatural.html
> before distribution, then a mapping back to the original ordering will be
> saved. You can use
> that mapping with a global vector and an original vector
> https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-current/docs/manualpages/DMPLEX/DMPlexGlobalToNaturalBegin.html
> to get a vector in the original ordering. However, you would also need to
> understand how you want that output.
> The ExodusII viewer uses this by default since people how use it (Blaise)
> generally want that. Most people using
> HDF5 (me) want the new order since it is faster. Plex ex15 and ex26 show
> some manipulations using this mapping.
>> I know the binary viewer does not work on DMPlex,
> You can output the Vec in native format, which will use the
> GlobalToNatural reordering. It will not output the Plex,
> but you will have the values in the order you expect.
>> the VTK viewer yields a corrupted dataset
> VTK is not supported. We support Paraview through the Xdmf extension to
> HDF5.
>> and I have issues with HDF5 viewer with MPI (see another recent thread of
>> mine) ...
> I have not been able to reproduce this yet.
>   Thanks,
>       Matt
>> Thanks again for your help !!
>> Thibault
>> Le mer. 7 juil. 2021 à 20:54, Dave May <dave.mayhem23 at gmail.com> a
>> écrit :
>>> On Wed 7. Jul 2021 at 20:41, Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu <
>>> thibault.bridelbertomeu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> I have been having issues with large Vec (based on DMPLex) and massive
>>>> MPI I/O  ... it looks like the data that is written by the Petsc Binary
>>>> Viewer is gibberish for large meshes split on a high number of processes.
>>>> For instance, I am using a mesh that has around 50 million cells, split on
>>>> 1024 processors.
>>>> The computation seems to run fine, the timestep computed from the data
>>>> makes sense so I think internally everything is fine. But when I look at
>>>> the solution (one example attached) it's noise - at this point it should
>>>> show a bow shock developing on the left near the step.
>>>> The piece of code I use is below for the output :
>>>>                 call DMGetOutputSequenceNumber(dm, save_seqnum,
>>>> save_seqval, ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)
>>>>                 call DMSetOutputSequenceNumber(dm, -1, 0.d0, ierr);
>>>> CHKERRA(ierr)
>>>>                 write(filename,'(A,I8.8,A)') "restart_", stepnum, ".bin"
>>>>                 call PetscViewerCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, binViewer,
>>>> ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)
>>>>                 call PetscViewerSetType(binViewer, PETSCVIEWERBINARY,
>>>> ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)
>>>>                 call PetscViewerFileSetMode(binViewer, FILE_MODE_WRITE,
>>>> ierr); CHKERRA(ierr);
>>>>                 call PetscViewerBinarySetUseMPIIO(binViewer,
>>>> PETSC_TRUE, ierr); CHKERRA(ierr);
>>> Do you get the correct output if you don’t call the function above (or
>>> equivalently use PETSC_FALSE)
>>> call PetscViewerFileSetName(binViewer, trim(filename), ierr);
>>>> CHKERRA(ierr)
>>>>                 call VecView(X, binViewer, ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)
>>>>                 call PetscViewerDestroy(binViewer, ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)
>>>>                 call DMSetOutputSequenceNumber(dm, save_seqnum,
>>>> save_seqval, ierr); CHKERRA(ierr)
>>>> I do not think there is anything wrong with it but of course I would be
>>>> happy to hear your feedback.
>>>> Nonetheless my question was : how far have you tested the binary mpi
>>>> i/o of a Vec ? Does it make some sense that for a 50 million cell mesh
>>>> split on 1024 processes, it could somehow fail ?
>>>> Or is it my python drawing method that is completely incapable of
>>>> handling this dataset ? (paraview displays the same thing though so I'm not
>>>> sure ...)
>>> Are you using the python provided tools within petsc to load the Vec
>>> from file?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dave
>>>> Thank you very much for your advice and help !!!
>>>> Thibault
> --
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
> experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/
> <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
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