[petsc-users] makefile for building application with petsc

Jacob Faibussowitsch jacob.fai at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 19:57:31 CST 2021


If possible, can you include a copy of your configure.log which you used to configure petsc? It will give useful information about your machine and compilers. What system did this work with successfully? Also please attach the makefile directly rather than including its contents as text, it is much easier to read.

Best regards,

Jacob Faibussowitsch
(Jacob Fai - booss - oh - vitch)
Cell: (312) 694-3391

> On Feb 15, 2021, at 20:47, Swarnava Ghosh <swarnava89 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Petsc developers and users,
> I am having some issue with building my code with the following makefile. I was earlier able to build this with the same makefile on a different machine. Would you please help me out on this issue?
> Contents of makefile:
> ==============================================
> all:sparc
> CPPFLAGS = -I ./inc -I ${MKLROOT}/include -L ${MKLROOT}/lib/ -llapack-addons -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread
> SOURCECPP = ./src/main.cc ./src/initObjs.cc ./src/readfiles.cc ./src/energy.cc ./src/ExchangeCorrelation.cc ./src/occupation.cc ./src/poisson.cc ./src/chebyshev.cc ./src/scf.cc ./src/mixing.cc ./src/forces.cc ./src/relaxatoms.cc ./src/multipole.cc ./src/electrostatics.cc ./src/tools.cc
> SOURCEH = ./inc/sddft.h ./inc/isddft.h
> OBJSC = ./src/main.o ./src/initObjs.o ./src/readfiles.o ./src/energy.o ./src/ExchangeCorrelation.o ./src/occupation.o ./src/poisson.o ./src/chebyshev.o ./src/scf.o ./src/mixing.o ./src/forces.o ./src/relaxatoms.o ./src/multipole.o ./src/electrostatics.o ./src/tools.o
> LIBBASE = ./lib/sparc
> CLEANFILES = ./lib/sparc 
> include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/variables
> include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/rules
> sparc: ${OBJSC} chkopts
> ${RM} $(SOURCECPP:%.cc=%.o)
> ===========================================
> Error:
> /home/swarnava/petsc/linux-gnu-intel/bin/mpicxx -o src/main.o -c -g     -I/home/swarnava/petsc/include -I/home/swarnava/petsc/linux-gnu-intel/include    `pwd`/src/main.cc
> /home/swarnava/Research/Codes/SPARC/src/main.cc(24): catastrophic error: cannot open source file "sddft.h"
>   #include "sddft.h"
>                     ^
> ====================================================
> It's not able to see the header file though I have -I ./inc in  CPPFLAGS. The directory containing makefile has the directory "inc" with the headers and "src" with the .cc files.
> Thank you,
> Swarnava

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