[petsc-users] Can't compile code after upgrading to VS2017 and Intel One API + PETSc 3.15

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Apr 14 23:27:50 CDT 2021

On Thu, 15 Apr 2021, TAY wee-beng wrote:

> On 15/4/2021 11:42 am, Satish Balay wrote:
> > The c examples ran fine. However fortran has issues.
> >
> > ex5f.F90(83): error #6405: The same named entity from different modules
> > and/or program units cannot be referenced.   [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]
> >        call MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,size,ierr)
> > -------------------------^
> >
> > Is the fortran compiler defaulting to F2008/2018 mode?
> >
> > You can try building 'release' branch of petsc git repo and see if this
> > problem persists.
> I tried and got this error below, configure.log attached.
> export PETSC_DIR=`pwd`
> export PETSC_ARCH=petsc-dev_win64_impi_vs2017
> ./configure --with-cc='win32fe cl' --with-fc='win32fe ifort'
> --with-cxx='win32fe cl' --with-mpi-include=/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\
> \(x86\)/Intel/oneAPI/mpi/latest/include --with-mpi-lib='[/cygdrive/c/Program\
>  Files\
> \(x86\)/Intel/oneAPI/mpi/latest/lib/debug/impi.lib,/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\
> \(x86\)/Intel/oneAPI/mpi/latest/lib/debug/impicxx.lib,/cygdrive/c/Program\
> Files\ \(x86\)/Intel/oneAPI/mpi/latest/lib/libmpi
> _ilp64.lib]' --download-fblaslapack=1 --with-debugging=1
> --with-fortran-interfaces=1
> ===============================================================================
>              Configuring PETSc to compile on your system
> ===============================================================================
> TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from
> config.packages.sprng(config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:959)
> *******************************************************************************
>          UNABLE to CONFIGURE with GIVEN OPTIONS    (see configure.log for
> details):
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Error! sowing on windows requires cygwin/g++. Please install it with cygwin
> setup.exe

yes - this is a requirement for using the git repo.

I guess alternatively  - you can try: 



> >
> > Satish
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 15 Apr 2021, TAY wee-beng wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Satish,
> >>
> >> I use option 1, but the errors I got from make check seems similar. I have
> >> attached the output.
> >>
> >> Thank you very much.
> >>
> >> Yours sincerely,
> >>
> >> ================================================
> >> TAY Wee-Beng 郑伟明 (Zheng Weiming)
> >> Personal research webpage: _http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website_
> >> Youtube research showcase: _https://goo.gl/PtvdwQ_
> >> linkedin: _https://www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng_
> >> ================================================
> >>
> >> On 15/4/2021 9:54 am, Satish Balay wrote:
> >>> 1. You can avoid this complexity if you can use in-place install of PETSc
> >>> [i.e do not use --prefix option to build PETSc]
> >>>
> >>> 2. For a prefix install - the following patch should fix the issue [i.e
> >>> requires rerunning 'configure; make; make install']
> >>>
> >>> diff --git a/config/BuildSystem/config/compilerOptions.py
> >>> b/config/BuildSystem/config/compilerOptions.py
> >>> index bdfd209203..b2e02783d9 100644
> >>> --- a/config/BuildSystem/config/compilerOptions.py
> >>> +++ b/config/BuildSystem/config/compilerOptions.py
> >>> @@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ class CompilerOptions(config.base.Configure):
> >>>          if not status:
> >>>            if compiler.find('win32fe') > -1:
> >>>              version = '\\n'.join(output.split('\n')[0:2])
> >>> +          version = version.replace('\r','')
> >>>            else:
> >>>              #PGI/Windows writes an empty '\r\n' on the first line of
> >>>              output
> >>>              if output.count('\n') > 1 and output.split('\n')[0] == '\r':
> >>>
> >>> 3. For testing a prefix install - you would do:
> >>>
> >>> cd /cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0
> >>> make check PETSC_DIR=/cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017
> >>> PETSC_ARCH=""
> >>>
> >>> [these instructions are printed to the screen when you run 'make install'
> >>>
> >>> Satish
> >>>
> >>> On Thu, 15 Apr 2021, TAY wee-beng wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi Satish,
> >>>>
> >>>> I tried a few things, not sure if it's correct. But it doesn't seem to
> >>>> work
> >>>>
> >>>> I edit petscvariables in
> >>>>
> >>>> D:\Lib\petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017\lib\petsc\conf
> >>>>
> >>>> and
> >>>>
> >>>> D:\wtay\Downloads\Source_codes\petsc-3.15.0\petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017\lib\petsc\conf
> >>>>
> >>>> from:
> >>>>
> >>>> C_VERSION = Win32 Development Tool Front End, version 1.11.3 Mon, Feb 27,
> >>>> 2017 11:10:38 AM
> >>>> \nMicrosoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.16.27045 for x64
> >>>> MPICC_SHOW = Unavailable
> >>>> Cxx_VERSION = Win32 Development Tool Front End, version 1.11.3 Mon, Feb
> >>>> 27,
> >>>> 2017 11:10:38 AM
> >>>> \nMicrosoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.16.27045 for x64
> >>>> MPICXX_SHOW = Unavailable
> >>>> FC_VERSION = Win32 Development Tool Front End, version 1.11.3 Mon, Feb
> >>>> 27,
> >>>> 2017 11:10:38 AM
> >>>> \nIntel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for applications running
> >>>> on
> >>>> Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.2.0 Build 20210228_000000
> >>>>
> >>>> to
> >>>>
> >>>> C_VERSION = Win32 Development Tool Front End, version 1.11.3 Mon, Feb 27,
> >>>> 2017 11:10:38 AM\nMicrosoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version
> >>>> 19.16.27045 for x64
> >>>> MPICC_SHOW = Unavailable
> >>>> Cxx_VERSION = Win32 Development Tool Front End, version 1.11.3 Mon, Feb
> >>>> 27,
> >>>> 2017 11:10:38 AM\nMicrosoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version
> >>>> 19.16.27045 for x64
> >>>> MPICXX_SHOW = Unavailable
> >>>> FC_VERSION = Win32 Development Tool Front End, version 1.11.3 Mon, Feb
> >>>> 27,
> >>>> 2017 11:10:38 AM\nIntel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for
> >>>> applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.2.0 Build
> >>>> 20210228_000000
> >>>>
> >>>> Then in cygwin,
> >>>>
> >>>> cd /cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/share/petsc
> >>>>
> >>>> export PETSC_DIR=`pwd`
> >>>> export PETSC_ARCH=petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017
> >>>> make check
> >>>>
> >>>> make: *** No rule to make target 'check'.  Stop.
> >>>>
> >>>> Also:
> >>>>
> >>>> /cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0
> >>>>
> >>>> $ export PETSC_DIR=`pwd`
> >>>> export PETSC_ARCH=petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017
> >>>> make check
> >>>>
> >>>> petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/lib/petsc/conf/petscvariables:5: ***
> >>>> target
> >>>> pattern contains no '%'.  Stop.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thank you very much.
> >>>>
> >>>> Yours sincerely,
> >>>>
> >>>> ================================================
> >>>> TAY Wee-Beng 郑伟明 (Zheng Weiming)
> >>>> Personal research webpage: _http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website_
> >>>> Youtube research showcase: _https://goo.gl/PtvdwQ_
> >>>> linkedin: _https://www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng_
> >>>> ================================================
> >>>>
> >>>> On 15/4/2021 9:22 am, Satish Balay wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 15 Apr 2021, TAY wee-beng wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi Satish,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Sorry, what do you mean by "manually fix up this file"?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Should I edit the petscvariables file?
> >>>>> yes
> >>>>>> Do I need to rebuild the lib?
> >>>>> no
> >>>>>
> >>>>> After editing the file - run 'make check'
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Satish
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> I guess this problem is related to the new Intel oneAPI if I'm not
> >>>>>> wrong.
> >>>>>> No
> >>>>>> such problem previously.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thank you very much.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Yours sincerely,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> ================================================
> >>>>>> TAY Wee-Beng 郑伟明 (Zheng Weiming)
> >>>>>> Personal research webpage: _http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website_
> >>>>>> Youtube research showcase: _https://goo.gl/PtvdwQ_
> >>>>>> linkedin: _https://www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng_
> >>>>>> ================================================
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On 15/4/2021 9:06 am, Satish Balay wrote:
> >>>>>>> C_VERSION = Win32 Development Tool Front End, version 1.11.3 Mon, Feb
> >>>>>>> 27,
> >>>>>>> 2017 11:10:38 AM
> >>>>>>> \nMicrosoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.16.27045 for x64
> >>>>>>> MPICC_SHOW = Unavailable
> >>>>>>> Cxx_VERSION = Win32 Development Tool Front End, version 1.11.3 Mon,
> >>>>>>> Feb
> >>>>>>> 27,
> >>>>>>> 2017 11:10:38 AM
> >>>>>>> \nMicrosoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.16.27045 for x64
> >>>>>>> MPICXX_SHOW = Unavailable
> >>>>>>> FC_VERSION = Win32 Development Tool Front End, version 1.11.3 Mon, Feb
> >>>>>>> 27,
> >>>>>>> 2017 11:10:38 AM
> >>>>>>> \nIntel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for applications
> >>>>>>> running
> >>>>>>> on
> >>>>>>> Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.2.0 Build 20210228_000000
> >>>>>>> <<<<
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I'm not sure what happened here. You might want to just manually fix
> >>>>>>> up
> >>>>>>> this
> >>>>>>> file
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> C_VERSION = Win32 Development Tool Front End, version 1.11.3 Mon, Feb
> >>>>>>> 27,
> >>>>>>> 2017 11:10:38 AM\nMicrosoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version
> >>>>>>> 19.16.27045 for x64
> >>>>>>> MPICC_SHOW = Unavailable
> >>>>>>> Cxx_VERSION = Win32 Development Tool Front End, version 1.11.3 Mon,
> >>>>>>> Feb
> >>>>>>> 27,
> >>>>>>> 2017 11:10:38 AM\nMicrosoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version
> >>>>>>> 19.16.27045 for x64
> >>>>>>> MPICXX_SHOW = Unavailable
> >>>>>>> FC_VERSION = Win32 Development Tool Front End, version 1.11.3 Mon, Feb
> >>>>>>> 27,
> >>>>>>> 2017 11:10:38 AM\nIntel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for
> >>>>>>> applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.2.0 Build
> >>>>>>> 20210228_000000
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Satish
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On Thu, 15 Apr 2021, TAY wee-beng wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Hi all,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I have attached the req file
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Thank you very much.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Yours sincerely,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> ================================================
> >>>>>>>> TAY Wee-Beng 郑伟明 (Zheng Weiming)
> >>>>>>>> Personal research webpage: _http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website_
> >>>>>>>> Youtube research showcase: _https://goo.gl/PtvdwQ_
> >>>>>>>> linkedin: _https://www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng_
> >>>>>>>> ================================================
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> On 14/4/2021 11:55 pm, Satish Balay wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> Please send the file
> >>>>>>>>> /cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017//lib/petsc/conf/petscvariables
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Satish
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> On Wed, 14 Apr 2021, TAY wee-beng wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> I redo the installation:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> /*Now to install the libraries do:*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*make
> >>>>>>>>>> PETSC_DIR=/cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0
> >>>>>>>>>> PETSC_ARCH=petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017 install*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*=========================================*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*DELL-T7610+wtay at DELL-T7610
> >>>>>>>>>> /cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*$ make
> >>>>>>>>>> PETSC_DIR=/cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0
> >>>>>>>>>> PETSC_ARCH=petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017 install*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//**** Using
> >>>>>>>>>> PETSC_DIR=/cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0
> >>>>>>>>>> PETSC_ARCH=petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017 ****//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//**** Installing PETSc at prefix location:
> >>>>>>>>>> /cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017  ****//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*====================================*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*Install complete.*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*Now to check if the libraries are working do (in current
> >>>>>>>>>> directory):*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*make PETSC_DIR=/cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017
> >>>>>>>>>> PETSC_ARCH="" check*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*====================================*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*/usr/bin/make  --no-print-directory -f makefile
> >>>>>>>>>> PETSC_ARCH=petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017
> >>>>>>>>>> PETSC_DIR=/cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0
> >>>>>>>>>> mpi4py-install
> >>>>>>>>>> petsc4py-install libmesh-install mfem-insta*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*ll slepc-install hpddm-install amrex-install bamg-install*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'mpi4py-install'.*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'petsc4py-install'.*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'libmesh-install'.*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'mfem-install'.*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'slepc-install'.*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'hpddm-install'.*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'amrex-install'.*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'bamg-install'.*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> */
> >>>>>>>>>> DELL-T7610+wtay at DELL-T7610
> >>>>>>>>>> /cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> I ran the check:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> /*$ make PETSC_DIR=/cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017
> >>>>>>>>>> PETSC_ARCH="" check*//*
> >>>>>>>>>> *//*/cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017//lib/petsc/conf/petscvariables:5:
> >>>>>>>>>> *** missing separator.  Stop.*/
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Why is this happening?
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you very much.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely,
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> ================================================
> >>>>>>>>>> TAY Wee-Beng 郑伟明 (Zheng Weiming)
> >>>>>>>>>> Personal research webpage: _http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website_
> >>>>>>>>>> Youtube research showcase: _https://goo.gl/PtvdwQ_
> >>>>>>>>>> linkedin: _https://www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng_
> >>>>>>>>>> ================================================
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> On 14/4/2021 6:01 pm, Mark Adams wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> You have PETSC_ARCH=petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017
> >>>>>>>>>>> I think you use PETSC_ARCH="" for installed libs.
> >>>>>>>>>>> When you do the install it will tell you exactly what to run to
> >>>>>>>>>>> run
> >>>>>>>>>>> "check".
> >>>>>>>>>>> You might double check that .
> >>>>>>>>>>> Mark
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 4:10 AM TAY wee-beng <zonexo at gmail.com
> >>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:zonexo at gmail.com>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          Hi Barry,
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          Ops, which dir should I run /*export PETSC_DIR=`pwd`*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          */
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          Maybe I ran it wrongly initially at where the lib is
> >>>>>>>>>>>          stored:
> >>>>>>>>>>>          /*/cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          */
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          My source is at
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          /*/cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0*/
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          Now I ran:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          /*export PETSC_DIR=`pwd`*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*cd src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*make ex2f*/
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          /*/cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0/lib/petsc/bin/win32fe/win32fe
> >>>>>>>>>>>          ifort -MD -Z7 -fpp  -MD -Z7 -fpp
> >>>>>>>>>>>          -I/cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0/include
> >>>>>>>>>>>          -I/cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/S*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ource_codes/petsc-3.15.0/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/include
> >>>>>>>>>>>          -I/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\
> >>>>>>>>>>>          \(x86\)/Intel/oneAPI/mpi/latest/include     ex2f.F90
> >>>>>>>>>>>          -R/cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0/petsc-3.*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/lib
> >>>>>>>>>>>          -L/cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/lib
> >>>>>>>>>>>          -R/cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/lib
> >>>>>>>>>>>          -L/cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*_vs2017/lib -lpetsc -lflapack -lfblas
> >>>>>>>>>>>          /cygdrive/c/Program\
> >>>>>>>>>>>          Files\ \(x86\)/Intel/oneAPI/mpi/latest/lib/debug/impi.lib
> >>>>>>>>>>>          /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\
> >>>>>>>>>>>          \(x86\)/Intel/oneAPI/mpi/latest/lib/debug/impicxx.lib
> >>>>>>>>>>>          /cygdrive/c/*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*Program\ Files\
> >>>>>>>>>>>          \(x86\)/Intel/oneAPI/mpi/latest/lib/libmpi_ilp64.lib
> >>>>>>>>>>>          Gdi32.lib
> >>>>>>>>>>>          User32.lib Advapi32.lib Kernel32.lib Ws2_32.lib -o
> >>>>>>>>>>>          ex2f*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ifort: command line warning #10006: ignoring unknown
> >>>>>>>>>>>          option
> >>>>>>>>>>>          '/R/cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/lib'*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ifort: command line warning #10006: ignoring unknown
> >>>>>>>>>>>          option
> >>>>>>>>>>>          '/R/cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/lib'*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(80): error #6405: The same named entity from
> >>>>>>>>>>>          different modules and/or program units cannot be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          referenced.
> >>>>>>>>>>>          [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*      call
> >>>>>>>>>>>          MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,rank,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*-------------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(80): error #7112: This actual argument must
> >>>>>>>>>>>          not
> >>>>>>>>>>>          be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          the name of a procedure. [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*      call
> >>>>>>>>>>>          MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,rank,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*-------------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(81): error #6405: The same named entity from
> >>>>>>>>>>>          different modules and/or program units cannot be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          referenced.
> >>>>>>>>>>>          [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*      call
> >>>>>>>>>>>          MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,size,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*-------------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(81): error #7112: This actual argument must
> >>>>>>>>>>>          not
> >>>>>>>>>>>          be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          the name of a procedure. [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*      call
> >>>>>>>>>>>          MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,size,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*-------------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(93): error #6405: The same named entity from
> >>>>>>>>>>>          different modules and/or program units cannot be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          referenced.
> >>>>>>>>>>>          [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*      call MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,A,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*---------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(93): error #7112: This actual argument must
> >>>>>>>>>>>          not
> >>>>>>>>>>>          be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          the name of a procedure. [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*      call MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,A,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*---------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(159): error #6405: The same named entity
> >>>>>>>>>>>          from
> >>>>>>>>>>>          different modules and/or program units cannot be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          referenced.
> >>>>>>>>>>>          [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*      call
> >>>>>>>>>>>          VecCreateMPI(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,PETSC_DECIDE,m*n,u,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*------------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(159): error #7112: This actual argument must
> >>>>>>>>>>>          not
> >>>>>>>>>>>          be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          the name of a procedure. [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*      call
> >>>>>>>>>>>          VecCreateMPI(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,PETSC_DECIDE,m*n,u,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*------------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(171): error #6405: The same named entity
> >>>>>>>>>>>          from
> >>>>>>>>>>>          different modules and/or program units cannot be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          referenced.
> >>>>>>>>>>>          [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*         call
> >>>>>>>>>>>          PetscRandomCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,rctx,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*--------------------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(171): error #7112: This actual argument must
> >>>>>>>>>>>          not
> >>>>>>>>>>>          be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          the name of a procedure. [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*         call
> >>>>>>>>>>>          PetscRandomCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,rctx,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*--------------------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(193): error #6405: The same named entity
> >>>>>>>>>>>          from
> >>>>>>>>>>>          different modules and/or program units cannot be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          referenced.
> >>>>>>>>>>>          [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*      call KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ksp,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*---------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(193): error #7112: This actual argument must
> >>>>>>>>>>>          not
> >>>>>>>>>>>          be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          the name of a procedure. [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*      call KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ksp,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*---------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(319): error #6405: The same named entity
> >>>>>>>>>>>          from
> >>>>>>>>>>>          different modules and/or program units cannot be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          referenced.
> >>>>>>>>>>>          [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*      call
> >>>>>>>>>>>          MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,rank,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*-------------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90(319): error #7112: This actual argument must
> >>>>>>>>>>>          not
> >>>>>>>>>>>          be
> >>>>>>>>>>>          the name of a procedure. [PETSC_COMM_WORLD]*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*      call
> >>>>>>>>>>>          MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,rank,ierr)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*-------------------------^*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*compilation aborted for ex2f.F90 (code 1)*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>          *//*make: ***
> >>>>>>>>>>>          [/cygdrive/d/wtay/Downloads/Source_codes/petsc-3.15.0/lib/petsc/conf/test:23:
> >>>>>>>>>>>          ex2f] Error 1*/
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          I have also attached the "/*make check*/" output. Seems
> >>>>>>>>>>>          like
> >>>>>>>>>>>          there's problem with fortran compile.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          Thank you very much.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          Yours sincerely,
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          ================================================
> >>>>>>>>>>>          TAY Wee-Beng 郑伟明 (Zheng Weiming)
> >>>>>>>>>>>          Personal research webpage:
> >>>>>>>>>>>          _http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website
> >>>>>>>>>>>          <http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website>_
> >>>>>>>>>>>          Youtube research showcase: _https://goo.gl/PtvdwQ
> >>>>>>>>>>>          <https://goo.gl/PtvdwQ>_
> >>>>>>>>>>>          linkedin: _https://www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng
> >>>>>>>>>>>          <https://www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng>_
> >>>>>>>>>>>          ================================================
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>          On 14/4/2021 3:47 pm, Barry Smith wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>           Please send configure.log and make.log and the results
> >>>>>>>>>>>>          of
> >>>>>>>>>>>>          "make
> >>>>>>>>>>>>          check" so we have the details on the build process.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          /*No rule to make target
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          '/cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/share/petsc/examples/src/ksp/ksp/tutori*//*als/lib/petsc/conf/test'.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          Stop.*/
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>           Looks funny; it does not seem to separate the PETSc
> >>>>>>>>>>>>          directory
> >>>>>>>>>>>>          from its configuration directory appropriately.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>            Are you sure
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          /*export PETSC_DIR=`pwd`*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          *//*export PETSC_ARCH=petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017*/
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>          are run in the appropriate directory so that PETSC_DIR
> >>>>>>>>>>>>          is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>          correct.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>          Barry
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          On Apr 14, 2021, at 2:20 AM, TAY wee-beng
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          <zonexo at gmail.com
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          <mailto:zonexo at gmail.com>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          Hi Mark,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          I'm not sure what's wrong.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          In VS2017 + Intel oneAPI,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          even after adding the full path:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          #include
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          <D:/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/include/petsc/finclude/petscksp.h>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          I got a new error:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          /*Compiling with Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          2021.2.0
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          [Intel(R) 64]...*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f.F90*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          *//*petscksp.h(8): #error: can't find include file:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          petsc/finclude/petscpc.h*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          *//*ex2f : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          code*/
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          Note that I have also specified the include dir in the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          properties:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          /*Debug/;$(PETSC_DIR);$(PETSC_DIR)/include;$(I_MPI_ONEAPI_ROOT)/include*/
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          I also tried in cygwin:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          /*export PETSC_DIR=`pwd`*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          *//*export
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          PETSC_ARCH=petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          *//*make ex2f*/
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          I got the error:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          /*$ make ex2f*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          *//*makefile:41:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          /cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/share/petsc/examples/src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/lib/petsc/conf/te*//*st:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          No such file or directory*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          *//*make: *** No rule to make target
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          '/cygdrive/d/Lib/petsc-3.15.0_win64_impi_vs2017/share/petsc/examples/src/ksp/ksp/tutori*//*als/lib/petsc/conf/test'.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          Stop.*/
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          Somehow it just doesn't work. Building the library has
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          no
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          problem though.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          I wonder what's wrong.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          Thank you very much.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          Yours sincerely,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          ================================================
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          TAY Wee-Beng 郑伟明 (Zheng Weiming)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          Personal research webpage:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          _http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          <http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website>_
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          Youtube research showcase: _https://goo.gl/PtvdwQ
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          <https://goo.gl/PtvdwQ>_
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          linkedin: _https://www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          <https://www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng>_
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          ================================================
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>          On 14/4/2021 9:31 am, Mark Adams wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          PETSc has changed Fortran syntax since v3.9. You
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          should
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          upgrade. Look at examples for how to use modules etc.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              /*Compiling with Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              2021.2.0
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              [Intel(R) 64]...*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              *//*global.F90*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              *//*global.F90(3): #error: can't find include
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              file:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              petsc/finclude/petsc.h*//*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              *//*global.F90(937): #error: can't find include
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              file:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              petsc/finclude/petsc.h*/
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          It looks like you might not have your PETSC_ARCH
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          variable set.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          You should get a full path to /finclude/petsc.h. Look
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          compile line.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          There are PETSc examples that you you can make to see
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          an
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          example of a correct make. For example,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          > cd petsc/src/ksp/ksp/tutorials
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
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> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > make
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>           >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  > ex2f
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          should make an executable and you can look at the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          compile
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          link lines, and compare to what you are using.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          Mark
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              --
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              Thank you very much.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              Yours sincerely,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              ================================================
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              TAY Wee-Beng 郑伟明 (Zheng Weiming)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              Personal research webpage:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              _http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website>_
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              Youtube research showcase: _https://goo.gl/PtvdwQ
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <https://goo.gl/PtvdwQ>_
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              linkedin: _https://www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <https://www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng>_
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>              ================================================
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>

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