[petsc-users] Enhancing MatScale computing time

Antoine Côté Antoine.Cote3 at USherbrooke.ca
Thu Oct 22 14:23:12 CDT 2020


I'm working with a 3D DMDA, with 3 dof per "node", used to create a sparse matrix Mat K. The Mat is modified repeatedly by the program, using the commands (in that order) :

In a for loop : MatSetValuesLocal(K, 24, irow, 24, icol, vals, ADD_VALUES)
MatDiagonalScale(K, vec1, vec1)
MatDiagonalSet(K, vec2, ADD_VALUES)

Computing time seems high and I would like to improve it. Running tests with "-log_view" tells me that MatScale() is the bottle neck (50% of total computing time) . From manual pages, I've tried a few tweaks :

  *   DMSetMatType(da, MATMPIBAIJ) : "For problems with multiple degrees of freedom per node, ... BAIJ can significantly enhance performance", Chapter 14.2.4
  *   Used MatMissingDiagonal() to confirm there is no missing diagonal entries : "If the matrix Y is missing some diagonal entries this routine can be very slow", MatDiagonalSet() manual
  *   Tried MatSetOption()
     *   MAT_NEW_NONZERO_LOCATIONS == PETSC_FALSE : to increase assembly efficiency
     *   MAT_NEW_NONZERO_LOCATION_ERR == PETSC_TRUE : "When true, assembly processes have one less global reduction"
     *   MAT_NEW_NONZERO_ALLOCATION_ERR == PETSC_TRUE : "When true, assembly processes have one less global reduction"
     *   MAT_USE_HASH_TABLE == PETSC_TRUE : "Improve the searches during matrix assembly"

According to "-log_view", assembly is fast (0% of total time), and the use of a DMDA makes me believe preallocation isn't the cause of performance issue.

I would like to know how could I improve MatScale(). What are the best practices (during allocation, when defining Vecs and Mats, the DMDA, etc.)? Instead of MatDiagonalScale(), should I use another command to obtain the same result faster?

Thank you very much!

Antoine Côté

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