[petsc-users] Using Petsc-Matlab engine on a cluster

Barry Smith bsmith at petsc.dev
Tue Nov 10 19:22:11 CST 2020

   In the git branch  barry/2020-11-10/add-matlab-engine-host   I have added the option -matlab_engine_host hostname 

   Note this does require you have ssh access to hostname from where your PETSc program is running which may require setting up some ssh files

   Good luck


> On Nov 9, 2020, at 5:35 PM, Kaustubh Khedkar <kkhedkar9879 at sdsu.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using PETSc with Matlab engine. I have built an application that uses Matlab engine through PETSc interface. I am trying to run this application on a cluster which has Matlab installed on a network drive (nas drive). I have made sure that I am able to access Matlab using my university details on the cluster (by activating Matlab license through Mathworks.com <http://mathworks.com/> account). I am also able to run this application using mpirun on the head node (master) which starts the Matlab engine but if I try to run this application using slurm on compute node then the Matlab engine does not start. I have also confirmed that if I login into one of the compute nodes and do a mpirun the Matlab engine does not start there. If I try to launch Matlab on a compute node it asks for Matlab license which the compute node is unable to activate possibly because it is not connected to the internet directly.
> Is there a way start matlab engine on the head node through Petsc interface even though the application is running on compute nodes or is there any other work around this issue?
> Thanks,
> Kaustubh Khedkar

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