[petsc-users] Regarding P4est

Barry Smith bsmith at petsc.dev
Thu Jun 18 14:21:12 CDT 2020

  In PETSc the implementation names are always XXX_classname so you can use whatever tools your development environment has for finding all the implementations.  For example, git grep or Emacs etags, etc


> On Jun 18, 2020, at 1:20 PM, Satish Balay via petsc-users <petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Jun 2020, MUKKUND SUNJII wrote:
>>>>>> I am trying to find relevant information about interpolation that takes place through the routine DMForestTransferVec. Perhaps it could be my inability to find it, but I am unable to locate the implementation of the routine 
>>>>>> (forest->transfervec)(dmIn,vecIn,dmOut,vecOut,useBCs,time). 
>> Unfortunately, my first question still remains a mystery. Hopefully, someone could take a few moments to point me in the right direction. 
> $ git grep transfervec
> include/petsc/private/dmforestimpl.h:  PetscErrorCode             (*transfervec)(DM,Vec,DM,Vec,PetscBool,PetscReal);
> include/petsc/private/dmforestimpl.h:  PetscErrorCode             (*transfervecfrombase)(DM,Vec,Vec);
> src/dm/impls/forest/forest.c:  if (!forest->transfervec) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dmIn),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"DMForestTransferVec() not implemented");
> src/dm/impls/forest/forest.c:  ierr = (forest->transfervec)(dmIn,vecIn,dmOut,vecOut,useBCs,time);CHKERRQ(ierr);
> src/dm/impls/forest/forest.c:  if (!forest->transfervecfrombase) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"DMForestTransferVecFromBase() not implemented");
> src/dm/impls/forest/forest.c:  ierr = (forest->transfervecfrombase)(dm,vecIn,vecOut);CHKERRQ(ierr);
> src/dm/impls/forest/p4est/pforest.c:  forest->transfervec               = DMForestTransferVec_pforest;
> src/dm/impls/forest/p4est/pforest.c:  forest->transfervecfrombase       = DMForestTransferVecFromBase_pforest;
> Likely DMForestTransferVec_pforest
> Its best to run in debugger - and verify which routine is getting called here...
> Satish

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