[petsc-users] Tough to reproduce petsctablefind error

Fande Kong fdkong.jd at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 00:13:26 CDT 2020

I am not entirely sure what is happening, but we encountered similar issues
recently.  It was not reproducible. It might occur at different stages, and
errors could be weird other than "ctable stuff." Our code was Valgrind
clean since every PR in moose needs to go through rigorous Valgrind checks
before it reaches the devel branch.  The errors happened when we used

We changed to use HPE-MPT (a vendor stalled MPI), then everything was
smooth.  May you try a different MPI? It is better to try a system carried

We did not get the bottom of this problem yet, but we at least know this is
kind of MPI-related.



On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 3:28 PM Chris Hewson <chris at resfrac.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am having a bug that is occurring in PETSC with the return string:
> [7]PETSC ERROR: PetscTableFind() line 132 in
> /home/chewson/petsc-3.13.2/include/petscctable.h key 7556 is greater than
> largest key allowed 5693
> This is using petsc-3.13.2, compiled and running using mpich with -O3 and
> debugging turned off tuned to the haswell architecture and occurring either
> before or during a KSPBCGS solve/setup or during a MUMPS factorization
> solve (I haven't been able to replicate this issue with the same set of
> instructions etc.).
> This is a terrible way to ask a question, I know, and not very helpful
> from your side, but this is what I have from a user's run and can't
> reproduce on my end (either with the optimization compilation or with
> debugging turned on). This happens when the code has run for quite some
> time and is happening somewhat rarely.
> More than likely I am using a static variable (code is written in c++)
> that I'm not updating when the matrix size is changing or something silly
> like that, but any help or guidance on this would be appreciated.
> *Chris Hewson*
> Senior Reservoir Simulation Engineer
> ResFrac
> +1.587.575.9792
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