[petsc-users] Support for full jacobianP in TSSetIJacobianP

Zhang, Hong hongzhang at anl.gov
Thu Dec 17 21:25:24 CST 2020

Hi Miguel,

Thank you for the nice work. I do not understand what you propose to do here. What is the obstacle to using current TSSetIJacobianP() for the corner case you mentioned? Are you considering a case in which the mass matrix is parameterized, e.g. M(p) udot - f(t,u) = g(t,u) ?


On Dec 17, 2020, at 3:38 PM, Salazar De Troya, Miguel via petsc-users <petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov<mailto:petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov>> wrote:


I am working on hooking up TSAdjoint with pyadjoint through the firedrake-ts interface (https://github.com/IvanYashchuk/firedrake-ts). I have done most of the implementation and now I am just testing for corner cases. One of them is when the design variable is multiplying the first derivative term. It would be the case ofF(Udot,U,P,t) = G(U,P,t) in https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-master/docs/manualpages/Sensitivity/TSSetIJacobianP.html . I imagine that one could think of refactoring the “P” in the left hand side to the right hand side, but this is not trivial when “P” is a discontinuous field over the domain. I think it would be better to include the case of F(Udot,U,P,t) = G(U,P,t) in TSSetIJacobianP and I am volunteering to do it. Given the current implementation of TSAdjoint, is this something feasible?


Miguel A. Salazar de Troya
Postdoctoral Researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Rm: 1085-5
Ph: 1(925) 422-6411

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