[petsc-users] Load a dense matrix, distribute it over several MPI nodes and retrieve it afterwards

Pierre Jolivet pierre at joliv.et
Fri Dec 4 06:16:19 CST 2020

> On 4 Dec 2020, at 1:13 PM, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 6:51 AM Roland Richter <roland.richter at ntnu.no <mailto:roland.richter at ntnu.no>> wrote:
> Hei,
> is it possible to fill a dense distributed matrix from existing data in rank 0, distribute it to all involved nodes and retrieve it afterwards, such that it can be stored in a single matrix in rank 0 again? The background behind this question is the following thought process:
> I generate the matrix locally on node 0
> I do not understand why you would ever want to do this. 
> I distribute it to all involved nodes
> Just create your distributed matrix, but set the values from rank 0. 
> I use the matrix for data processing/process the matrix data on all nodes
> I assume you change the matrix here. 
> For storing the data I need it back on node 0 in a single matrix
> You can use https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-current/docs/manualpages/Mat/MatCreateRedundantMatrix.html <https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-current/docs/manualpages/Mat/MatCreateRedundantMatrix.html>
> to easily create serial matrices from it. You can throw away any you do not want.
>   Thanks,
>      Matt 
> For testing I wrote the following code (and using armadillo for generating the initial matrices within arma-namespace):
>     Mat C, F;
>     Vec x, y, z;
>     PetscViewer viewer;
>     PetscMPIInt rank, size;
>     PetscInitialize(&argc, &args, (char*) 0, help);
>     MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &size);
>     MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
>     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Number of processors = %d, rank = %d\n", size, rank);
>     PetscViewerCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &viewer);
>     PetscViewerSetType(viewer, PETSCVIEWERASCII);
>     arma::cx_mat local_mat, local_zero_mat;
>     const size_t matrix_size = 5;
>     if(rank == 0) {
>         local_mat = arma::randu<arma::cx_mat>(matrix_size, matrix_size);
>         local_zero_mat = arma::zeros<arma::cx_mat>(matrix_size, matrix_size);
>         MatCreateDense(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, matrix_size, matrix_size, PETSC_DECIDE, PETSC_DECIDE, local_mat.memptr(), &C);
>         MatAssemblyBegin(C, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
>         MatAssemblyEnd(C, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
>     }
>     MatCreateDense(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, matrix_size, matrix_size, PETSC_DECIDE, PETSC_DECIDE, NULL, &F);
>     if(rank == 0)
>         MatCopy(C, F, SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN);
>     MatAssemblyBegin(F, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
>     MatAssemblyEnd(F, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
>     if(rank == 0) {
>         MatView(C, viewer);
>         std::cout << local_mat << '\n';
>         std::cout << local_zero_mat << '\n';
>     }
>     //How can I retrieve the distributed data from F to C again when running on multiple nodes?
>     if(rank == 0) {
>         MatDestroy(&C);
>     }
>     MatDestroy(&F);
>     PetscViewerDestroy(&viewer);
> Running the code with mpirun -n 1 works fine, but when running it with mpirun -n 2 it just stops after PetscPrintf() and hangs.
> Moreover, how can I retrieve the data from matrix F afterwards? For vectors I have the function/class VecScatter, but can I apply this for matrices (mpidense) too?
With respect to this very last question, this is currently an open issue https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/issues/693 <https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/issues/693>.

> Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Roland
> -- 
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/ <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>

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