[petsc-users] Measuring memory consumption

Kraft, Pascal (IANM) pascal.kraft at kit.edu
Wed Aug 12 18:52:39 CDT 2020

Dear PETSc Users,

I use the MUMPS wrapper in PETSc (loaded from dealii). I know that MUMPS computes a factorization based on the mulrifrontal method and since I have a very memory-strapped problem, I would like to run some test on the memory requirements for the factorizations across some sets of parameters in my underlying FEM-problem.

My question is if there is a native way to check memory (as a measure of fill-in) for the MUMPS factorization in PETSc. I would prefer not to go through the operating system since that feels somewhat inconclusive to me. Does PETSc provide such functionality in any way?

I would prefer to know the memory consumption for storing the factorization if that is possible, I would also take the total memory consumption of the direct solver if there is no other way, and, if nothing else is possible, I guess I would have to go with the memory requirement of the whole application if all else fails.

Is anyone aware of something I can do?

Kind regards,



Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics

Kraft, Pascal
Research scientist

Englerstraße 2
Gebäude 20.30
76130, Germany

Phone: +49 721 608-42801
Mobile: +49 163 6927612
E-mail: pascal.kraft∂kit.edu
Web: www.math.kit.edu/ianm2/~kraft/de<http://www.math.kit.edu/ianm2/~kraft/de>
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