[petsc-users] MatSetValues vs MatSetValuesBlocked

Nidish nb25 at rice.edu
Mon Aug 10 15:26:33 CDT 2020


I've written a basic FE code of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam (4th order 
spatial deriv interpolated using Hermite elements).

While assembling matrices I noticed something peculiar - if I conducted 
assembly using MatSetValues it works, while if I did so using 
MatSetValuesBlocked it throws me an argument out of range error. You can 
observe this in the attached file in lines 94-95 where I have one 
version commented out and the other version active.

I.O.W., using
     MatSetValues(jac, 4, (const PetscInt*)idx, 4, (const 
PetscInt*)idx,(const PetscScalar*)elstiff, ADD_VALUES);
works, while
     MatSetValuesBlocked(jac, 4, (const PetscInt*)idx, 4, (const 
PetscInt*)idx,(const PetscScalar*)elstiff, ADD_VALUES);
does NOT work.

Also from the documentation I could not really understand what the 
difference was between these two.

Thank you,
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