[petsc-users] Makefile problems: environmental variables, includes paths and libraries.

Matthew Agius matthew.agius at um.edu.mt
Tue Oct 15 11:36:24 CDT 2019

Dear PETSC users,

This is my first attempt at PETSC package.

First step, I think I have installed PETSC, well at least no errors.
Now I am trying to run a simple makefile as suggested in the manual
I am confused about undeclared variables in the example makefiles that I am
coming across; variables such as:

> or ${PETSC_TS_LIB}.

Are these environmental variables?
So far I only have PETSC_DIR declared in my environment.
Do I have to declare each one? What are they?

The error I am actually getting is

> error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit

This is probably due to a missing Include library file in the compilation.
Any hint which one it is?

SIncre thanks,
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