[petsc-users] 答复: Question with filedsplit in PETSc

Zhu, Qiming qiming2 at illinois.edu
Sat Feb 23 16:29:01 CST 2019

Dear Knepley,

Thank you for your detailed answer and help to this problem. I got your idea. And I also find it would be better to just use MPIAIJ matrix to construct this problem for fieldsplit. Thank you for your help all the time. Wish you have a nice day.

Yours sincerely,

Qiming Zhu

发件人: Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>
发送时间: 2019年2月23日 15:09:17
收件人: Zhu, Qiming
抄送: petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov
主题: Re: [petsc-users] Question with filedsplit in PETSc

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 3:45 PM Zhu, Qiming via petsc-users <petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov<mailto:petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov>> wrote:

Dear all,

Sorry to disturb you. I am a user of Petsc. I am trying to use Fieldsplit in Petsc to do preconditioning for Navier-Stokes problem. I have some problems when I trying to use Fieldsplit function. I am now defining the nest matrix first, then I get the IS from nested matrix. But I find that my code just work for one core. When I change to parallel case, I could only get zero solution. I wonder is there any special requirements for IS definition in Fieldsplit? I include one code here. If you have any idea, hope you reply soon. Thank you for your help. Thank you very much.

I cleaned up the code a little so I could see what was going on. I attach my version here. If you run on 1 proc, you get what you expect:

master *:~/Downloads/tmp/blaise$ $PETSC_DIR/../bin/mpiexec -n 1 ./ex5 -ksp_monitor_true_residual -ksp_view_mat -sol_view -rhs_view -sys_view

A00 block print here.

Mat Object: 1 MPI processes

  type: mpiaij

row 0: (0, 1.)

row 1: (1, 2.)

row 2: (2, 3.)

row 3: (3, 4.)

A01 block print here.

Mat Object: 1 MPI processes

  type: mpiaij

row 0:

row 1:

row 2:

row 3:

A10 block print here.

Mat Object: 1 MPI processes

  type: mpiaij

row 0:

row 1:

row 2:

row 3:

A11 block print here.

Mat Object: 1 MPI processes

  type: mpiaij

row 0: (0, 5.)

row 1: (1, 6.)

row 2: (2, 7.)

row 3: (3, 8.)

IS Object: 1 MPI processes

  type: stride

Index set is permutation

Number of indices in (stride) set 4

0 0

1 1

2 2

3 3

IS Object: 1 MPI processes

  type: stride

Number of indices in (stride) set 4

0 4

1 5

2 6

3 7

  0 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.828427124746e+00 true resid norm 1.428285685709e+01 ||r(i)||/||b|| 1.000000000000e+00

  1 KSP preconditioned resid norm 4.154074181055e-16 true resid norm 3.475547814546e-15 ||r(i)||/||b|| 2.433370192898e-16

Mat Object: 1 MPI processes

  type: nest

  Matrix object:

    type=nest, rows=2, cols=2

    MatNest structure:

    (0,0) : prefix="fieldsplit_0_", type=mpiaij, rows=4, cols=4

    (0,1) : type=mpiaij, rows=4, cols=4

    (1,0) : type=mpiaij, rows=4, cols=4

    (1,1) : prefix="fieldsplit_1_", type=mpiaij, rows=4, cols=4

Vec Object: Rhs 1 MPI processes

  type: mpi

Process [0]









Vec Object: Sol 1 MPI processes

  type: mpi

Process [0]









Mat Object: System Matrix 1 MPI processes

  type: seqaij

row 0: (0, 1.)

row 1: (1, 2.)

row 2: (2, 3.)

row 3: (3, 4.)

row 4: (4, 5.)

row 5: (5, 6.)

row 6: (6, 7.)

row 7: (7, 8.)

If you run on 2 procs, you get the "wrong" answer. This is because you matrix is not in the order you think it is. I show this by converting to AIJ and printing it. This happens because you are sticking together _parallel_ matrices with Nest, so the local parts become contiguous:

master *:~/Downloads/tmp/blaise$ $PETSC_DIR/../bin/mpiexec -n 2 ./ex5 -ksp_monitor_true_residual -ksp_view_mat -sol_view -rhs_view -sys_view

A00 block print here.

Mat Object: 2 MPI processes

  type: mpiaij

row 0: (0, 1.)

row 1: (1, 2.)

row 2: (2, 3.)

row 3: (3, 4.)

A01 block print here.

Mat Object: 2 MPI processes

  type: mpiaij

row 0:

row 1:

row 2:

row 3:

A10 block print here.

Mat Object: 2 MPI processes

  type: mpiaij

row 0:

row 1:

row 2:

row 3:

A11 block print here.

Mat Object: 2 MPI processes

  type: mpiaij

row 0: (0, 5.)

row 1: (1, 6.)

row 2: (2, 7.)

row 3: (3, 8.)

IS Object: 2 MPI processes

  type: stride

[0] Index set is permutation

[0] Number of indices in (stride) set 2

[0] 0 0

[0] 1 1

[1] Number of indices in (stride) set 2

[1] 0 4

[1] 1 5

IS Object: 2 MPI processes

  type: stride

[0] Number of indices in (stride) set 2

[0] 0 2

[0] 1 3

[1] Number of indices in (stride) set 2

[1] 0 6

[1] 1 7

  0 KSP preconditioned resid norm 3.135637450698e+00 true resid norm 1.428285685709e+01 ||r(i)||/||b|| 1.000000000000e+00

  1 KSP preconditioned resid norm -0.000000000000e+00 true resid norm 1.620317160370e-15 ||r(i)||/||b|| 1.134448924737e-16

Mat Object: 2 MPI processes

  type: nest

  Matrix object:

    type=nest, rows=2, cols=2

    MatNest structure:

    (0,0) : prefix="fieldsplit_0_", type=mpiaij, rows=4, cols=4

    (0,1) : type=mpiaij, rows=4, cols=4

    (1,0) : type=mpiaij, rows=4, cols=4

    (1,1) : prefix="fieldsplit_1_", type=mpiaij, rows=4, cols=4

Vec Object: Rhs 2 MPI processes

  type: mpi

Process [0]





Process [1]





Vec Object: Sol 2 MPI processes

  type: mpi

Process [0]





Process [1]





Mat Object: System Matrix 2 MPI processes

  type: mpiaij

row 0: (0, 1.)

row 1: (1, 2.)

row 2: (2, 5.)

row 3: (3, 6.)

row 4: (4, 3.)

row 5: (5, 4.)

row 6: (6, 7.)

row 7: (7, 8.)

In general, I think its a bad idea to use Nest. Just build an AIJ matrix the way you want and make some ISes.



Yours sincerely,

Qiming Zhu,

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener

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