[petsc-users] different dof in DMDA creating

Danyang Su danyang.su at gmail.com
Thu Aug 15 11:18:22 CDT 2019

Hi Barry and Matt,

Would you please give me some advice on the functions I need to use to 
set different dof to the specified nodes. For now, I use 
DMPlexCreateSection that dof is uniform throughout the domain. I am a 
bit lost in choosing the right DMPlex functions, unfortunately.

Thanks and regards,


On 2019-02-07 1:53 p.m., Danyang Su wrote:
> Thanks, Barry. DMPlex also works for my code.
> Danyang
> On 2019-02-07 1:14 p.m., Smith, Barry F. wrote:
>>    No, you would need to use the more flexible DMPlex
>>> On Feb 7, 2019, at 3:04 PM, Danyang Su via petsc-users 
>>> <petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>> Dear PETSc Users,
>>> Does DMDA support different number of degrees of freedom for 
>>> different node? For example I have a 2D subsurface flow problem with 
>>> the default dof = 1 throughout the domain. Now I want to add some 
>>> sparse fractures in the domain. For the nodes connected to the 
>>> sparse fractures, I want to set dof to 2. Is it possible to set dof 
>>> to 2 for those nodes only?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Danyang

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