[petsc-users] Choosing the best solvers for ISPH

dayedut123 at 163.com
Sat Mar 17 07:41:51 CDT 2018

I use PETSC to solve the unsymmetrical matrix which is formed by the incompressible SPH method. Due to the scale of the problem is huge, I want to choose the best and the most efficient solver. I have checked the time-cost of the pre-conditioner PCGAMG together with the solvers like KSPCGS, KSPGMRES, KSPBCGS, KSPTFQMR and KSPGCR, but the difference between them is really really small. Except comparing the time-cost, are there any other properties that I can compare in order to find the most efficient solver? Are there any suggestions about choosing the best solver? Besides, I want to further speed the solving process up, are there any suggestions?
Thank you very much!
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