[petsc-users] Get vertex index of each cell in DMPlex after distribution

Danyang Su danyang.su at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 01:09:23 CDT 2018

Hi Matt,

Sorry if this is a stupid question.

In the previous code for unstructured grid, I create labels to mark the 
original node/cell index from VTK file and then distribute it so that 
each subdomain has a copy of its original node and cell index, as well 
as the PETSc numbering. Now I am trying to get avoid of using large 
number of keys in DMSetLabelValue since this costs lot of time for large 

I can get the coordinates of subdomain after distribution by using 
DMGetCoordinatesLocal and DMGetCoordinateDM.

How can I get the vertex index of each cell after distribution? Would 
you please give me a hint or functions that I can use.



On 18-04-25 02:12 PM, Danyang Su wrote:
> On 2018-04-25 09:47 AM, Matthew Knepley wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 12:40 PM, Danyang Su <danyang.su at gmail.com 
>> <mailto:danyang.su at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Hi Matthew,
>>     In the worst case, every node/cell may have different label.
>> Do not use Label for this. Its not an appropriate thing. If every 
>> cell is different, just use the cell number.
>> Labels are for mapping a relatively small number of keys (like 
>> material IDs) to sets of points (cells, vertices, etc.)
>> Its not a great data structure for a permutation.
> Yes. If there is small number of keys, it runs very fast, even for 
> more than one million DMSetLabelValue calls. The performance just 
> deteriorates as the number of keys increases.
> I cannot get avoid of DMSetLabelValue as node/cell index of original 
> mesh is needed for the previous input file that uses some of global 
> node/cell index to set value. But if I can get the natural order of 
> nodes/cells from DMPlex, I can discard the use of DMSetLabelValue. Is 
> there any function can do this job?
> Thanks,
> Danyang
>> However, I still do not believe these numbers. The old code does a 
>> string comparison every time. I will setup a test.
>>    Matt
>>     Below is one of the worst scenario with 102299 nodes and 102299
>>     different labels for test. I found the time cost increase during
>>     the loop. The first 9300 loop takes least time (<0.5) while the
>>     last 9300 loops takes much more time (>7.7), as shown below. If I
>>     use larger mesh with >1 million nodes, it runs very very slowly
>>     in this part. The PETSc is configured with optimization on.
>>     Configure options --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran
>>     --download-mpich --download-scalapack --download-parmetis
>>     --download-metis --download-ptscotch --download-fblaslapack
>>     --download-hypre --download-superlu_dist --download-hdf5=yes
>>     --download-ctetgen --with-debugging=0 COPTFLAGS="-O3
>>     -march=native -mtune=native" CXXOPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native
>>     -mtune=native" FOPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -mtune=native"
>>     istart 	iend 	progress 	CPU_Time 	time cost - old (sec) 	time
>>     cost - new (sec)
>>     0 	9299 	0 	1524670045.51166 	
>>     9300 	18599 	0.100010753 	1524670045.99605 	0.4843890667
>>     0.497246027
>>     18600 	27899 	0.200010747 	1524670047.32635 	1.330302 	1.3820912838
>>     27900 	37199 	0.300010741 	1524670049.3066 	1.9802515507
>>     2.2439446449
>>     37200 	46499 	0.400010765 	1524670052.1594 	2.852804184
>>     3.0739262104
>>     46500 	55799 	0.500010729 	1524670055.90961 	3.7502081394
>>     3.9270553589
>>     55800 	65099 	0.600010753 	1524670060.47654 	4.5669286251
>>     4.7571902275
>>     65100 	74399 	0.700010777 	1524670066.0941 	5.6175630093
>>     5.7428796291
>>     74400 	83699 	0.800010741 	1524670072.53886 	6.44475317
>>     6.5761549473
>>     83700 	92998 	0.900010765 	1524670079.99072 	7.4518604279
>>     7.4606924057
>>     92999 	102298 	1 	1524670087.71066 	7.7199423313 	8.2424075603
>>     old code
>>             do ipoint = 0, istart-1
>>               !c output time cost, use 1 processor to test
>>               if (b_enable_output .and. rank == 0) then
>>                 if (mod(ipoint,iprogress) == 0 .or. ipoint ==
>>     istart-1) then
>>                   !write(*,'(f3.1,1x)',advance="no") (ipoint+1.0)/istart
>>                   write(*,*) ipoint,
>>     (ipoint+1.0)/istart,"time",MPI_Wtime()
>>                 end if
>>               end if
>>               call DMSetLabelValue(dmda_flow%da,"cid_lg2g",ipoint, &
>>                                    ipoint+1,ierr)
>>               CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>             end do
>>     new code
>>             call DMCreateLabel(dmda_flow%da,'cid_lg2g',ierr)
>>             CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>             call DMGetLabel(dmda_flow%da,'cid_lg2g',label, ierr)
>>             CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>             do ipoint = 0, istart-1
>>               !c output time cost, use 1 processor to test
>>               if (b_enable_output .and. rank == 0) then
>>                 if (mod(ipoint,iprogress) == 0 .or. ipoint ==
>>     istart-1) then
>>                   !write(*,'(f3.1,1x)',advance="no") (ipoint+1.0)/istart
>>                   write(*,*) ipoint,
>>     (ipoint+1.0)/istart,"time",MPI_Wtime()
>>                 end if
>>               end if
>>               call DMLabelSetValue(label,ipoint,ipoint+1,ierr)
>>               CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>             end do
>>     Thanks,
>>     Danyang
>>     On 2018-04-25 03:16 AM, Matthew Knepley wrote:
>>>     On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 11:57 PM, Danyang Su
>>>     <danyang.su at gmail.com <mailto:danyang.su at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>         Hi All,
>>>         I use DMPlex in unstructured grid code and recently found
>>>         DMSetLabelValue takes a lot of time for large problem, e.g.,
>>>         num. of cells > 1 million. In my code, I use
>>>     I read your code wrong. For large loop, you should not use the
>>>     convenience function. You should use
>>>         DMPlexCreateFromCellList ()
>>>     DMGetLabel(dm, name, &label)
>>>         Loop over all cells/nodes{
>>>         DMSetLabelValue
>>>     Replace this by DMLabelSetValue(label, point, val)
>>>         }
>>>         DMPlexDistribute
>>>         The code works fine except DMSetLabelValue takes a lot of
>>>         time for large problem. I use DMSetLabelValue to set
>>>         material id for all the nodes or cells so that each
>>>         subdomain has a copy of material id. Is there any other
>>>         functions that can be used more efficient, e.g. set labels
>>>         by array, not 1 by 1?
>>>     That should take much less time.
>>>       Thanks,
>>>          Matt
>>>         Thanks,
>>>         Danyang
>>>     -- 
>>>     What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>>     experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to
>>>     which their experiments lead.
>>>     -- Norbert Wiener
>>>     https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/
>>>     <http://www.caam.rice.edu/%7Emk51/>
>> -- 
>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their 
>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which 
>> their experiments lead.
>> -- Norbert Wiener
>> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/ <http://www.caam.rice.edu/%7Emk51/>

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