[petsc-users] Possible to recover ILU(k) from hypre/pilut?

Mark Lohry mlohry at gmail.com
Wed Nov 15 06:38:55 CST 2017

I've found ILU(0) or (1) to be working well for my problem, but the petsc
implementation is serial only. Running with -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type
pilut with default settings has considerably worse convergence. I've tried
using -pc_hypre_pilut_factorrowsize (number of actual elements in row) to
trick it into doing ILU(0), to no effect.

Is there any way to recover classical ILU(k) from pilut?

Hypre's docs state pilut is no longer supported, and Euclid should be used
for anything moving forward. pc_hypre_boomeramg has options for Euclid
smoothers. Any hope of a pc_hypre_type euclid?

Partially unrelated, PC block-jacobi fails with MFFD type not supported,
but additive schwarz with 0 overlap, which I think is identical, works
fine. Is this a bug?

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