[petsc-users] multi level octree AMR

Yann JOBIC yann.jobic at univ-amu.fr
Thu Nov 9 09:35:15 CST 2017


I succeed in having a basic AMR running on my FE advection/diffusion 
problem ( https://mycore.core-cloud.net/index.php/s/DmiiTwKUpV9z5qL)

I now want to have multiple levels in my octree AMR from p4est.

I tried a lot with IS tagged arrays, but i didn't succeed so far. When i 
get from VecTaggerAbsoluteSetBox an IS array of the cells, it seems that 
the DM cell numbering is changed after multiple time iterations (from 
TSSolve), even if the DM is not changed at all. I tried to identify the 
cells to refine/coarse with ISDifference and ISExpand, from two 
different time solutions of the same DM. That made me wondering if i'm 
using the correct tool (IS array).

Am i in the right direction ?




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