[petsc-users] help me to solve 6-dim PDE with PETSc with advice

Oleksandr Koshkarov olk548 at mail.usask.ca
Sun Jul 30 12:44:22 CDT 2017

Thanks for the references, and warning.

I am trying to do exactly this


(I probably should have added the reference in the first place, sorry)

the evolution formula is (15) in the article.

So, I will do convolution only in 3D (while full system is 6D) because 
velocity space is not discretized with Fourier

So As I understand, it will not be N^2 vs N logN. Moreover, I know that 
algorithm with FFT has significantly larger "constant".

Please correct me if I am wrong here :)

I know for sure that FFT is a must at the end, but I thought I can start 
with matrix product to get more familiar with PETSc as it will be 
simpler to implement (At least I think so).

I hope it does make sense.

Another question about convolution via matrix product. Is there better 
way to do it other then to construct NxN Toeplitz-like matrix each time 
step on the "fly" from state vector and then multiply it to state vector?

p.s. Probably I should do FFT from the start, but I am a little bit 
intimidated by the problem taking into account that I do not have PETSc 

Best regards,
Oleksandr Koshkarov.

On 07/30/2017 09:01 AM, Matthew Knepley wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Oleksandr Koshkarov 
> <olk548 at mail.usask.ca <mailto:olk548 at mail.usask.ca>> wrote:
>     Thank you for the response,
>     Now that you said about additional communication for fft, I want
>     to ask another question:
>     What if I disregard FFT and will compute convolution directly, I
>     will rewrite it as vector-matrix-vector product
>  I would caution you here. The algorithm is the most important thing 
> to get right up front. In this case, the effect of
> dimension will be dominant, and anything that does not scale well with 
> dimension will be thrown away, perhaps
> quite quickly, as you want to solve bigger problems.
> Small calculation: Take a 6-dim box which is 'n' on a side, so that N 
> = n^6. FFT is N log N, whereas direct evaluation of
> a convolution is N^2. So if we could do n = 100 points on a side with 
> FFT, you can do, assuming the constants are about
> equal,
>    100^6 (log 100^6) = x^12
>    1e12 (6 2) = x^12
>    x ~ 10
> Past versions of PETSc had a higher dimensional DA construct (adda in 
> prior versions), but no one used it so we removed it.
> I assume you are proposing something like
> https://arxiv.org/abs/1306.4625
> or maybe
> https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.00397
> The later is interesting since I think you could use a DMDA for the 
> velocity and something like DMPlex for the space.
>   Thanks,
>     Matt
>     x^T A x (where T - is transpose, x - is my state vector, and A is
>     a matrix which represents convolution and probably it will be not
>     very sparse).
>     Yes - I will do more work (alghorithm will be slower), but will I
>     win if we take the parallelization into account - less
>     communication + probably more scalable algorithm?
>     Best regards,
>     Alex.
>     On 07/29/2017 05:23 PM, Barry Smith wrote:
>            DMDA provides a simple way to do domain decomposition of
>         structured grid meshes in the x, y, and z direction, that is
>         it makes it easy to efficiently chop up vectors in all 3
>         dimensions, allowing very large problems easily. Unfortunately
>         it only goes up to 3 dimensions and attempts to produce
>         versions for higher dimensions have failed.
>            If you would like to do domain decomposition across all six
>         of your dimensions (which I think you really need to do to
>         solve large problems) we don't have a tool that helps with
>         doing the domain decomposition. To make matters more
>         complicated, likely the 3d mpi-fftw that need to be applied
>         require rejiggering the data across the nodes to get it into a
>         form where the ffts can be applied efficiently.
>             I don't think there is necessarily anything theoretically
>         difficult about managing the six dimensional domain
>         decomposition I just don't know of any open source software
>         out there that helps to do this. Maybe some PETSc users are
>         aware of such software and can chime in.
>             Aside from these two issues :-) PETSc would be useful for
>         you since you could use our time integrators and nonlinear
>         solvers. Pulling out subvectors to process on can be done with
>         with either VecScatter or VecStrideScatter, VecStrideGather
>         etc depending on the layout of the unknowns, i.e. how the
>         domain decomposition is done.
>              I wish I had better answers for managing the 6d domain
>         decomposition
>             Barry
>             On Jul 29, 2017, at 5:06 PM, Oleksandr Koshkarov
>             <olk548 at mail.usask.ca <mailto:olk548 at mail.usask.ca>> wrote:
>             Dear All,
>             I am a new PETSc user and I am still in the middle of the
>             manual (I have finally settled to choose PETSc as my main
>             numerical library) so I am sorry beforehand if my
>             questions would be naive.
>             I am trying to solve 6+1 dimensional Vlasov equation with
>             spectral methods. More precisely, I will try to solve
>             half-discretized equations of the form (approximate form)
>             with pseudospectral Fourier method:
>             (Equations are in latex format, the nice website to see
>             them is https://www.codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php
>             <https://www.codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php>)
>             \frac{dC_{m,m,p}}{dt} =\\
>             \partial_x \left ( a_n C_{n+1,m,p} +b_n C_{n,m,p} +c_n
>             C_{n-1,m,p} \right ) \\
>             + \partial_y \left ( a_m C_{n,m+1,p} +b_m C_{n,m,p} +c_m
>             C_{n,m-1,p}  \right ) \\
>             + \partial_z \left ( a_p C_{n,m,p+1} +b_p C_{n,m,p} +c_p
>             C_{n,m,p-1}  \right ) \\
>             + d_n E_x C_{n-1,m,p} + d_m E_x C_{n,m-1,p} + d_p E_x
>             C_{n,m,p-1} \\
>             + B_x (e_{m,p} C_{n,m-1,p-1} + f_{m,p}C_{n,m-1,p+1} +
>             \dots) + B_y (\dots) + B_z (\dots)
>             where a,b,c,d,e,f are some constants which can depend on
>             n,m,p,
>             n,m,p = 0...N,
>             C_{n,m,p} = C_{n,m,p}(x,y,z),
>             E_x = E_x(x,y,z), (same for E_y,B_x,...)
>             and fields are described with equation of the sort (linear
>             pdes with source terms dependent on C):
>             \frac{dE_x}{dt} = \partial_y B_z - \partial_z B_x +
>             (AC_{1,0,0} + BC_{0,0,0}) \\
>             \frac{dB_x}{dt} = -\partial_y E_z + \partial_z E_x
>             with A,B being some constants.
>             I will need fully implicit Crank–Nicolson method, so my
>             plan is to use SNES or TS where
>             I will use one MPI PETSc vector which describes the state
>             of the system (all, C, E, B),  then I can evolve linear
>             part with just matrix multiplication.
>             The first question is, should I use something like DMDA?
>             if so, it is only 3dimensional but I need 6 dimensional
>             vectots? Will it be faster then matrix multiplication?
>             Then to do nonlinear part I will need 3d mpi-fftw to
>             compute convolutions. The problem is, how do I extract
>             subvectors from full big vector state? (what is the best
>             approach?)
>             If you have some other suggestions, please feel free to share
>             Thanks and best regards,
>             Oleksandr Koshkarov.
> -- 
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their 
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which 
> their experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
> http://www.caam.rice.edu/~mk51/ <http://www.caam.rice.edu/%7Emk51/>

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