[petsc-users] Multi-domain meshes with DMPLEX

Santos Teixeira Frederico fsantost at student.ethz.ch
Sun Feb 26 10:51:00 CST 2017

Hi folks,

Attached you find small.msh, a mesh with two prisms (physical domains 43 and  45) and the interface between them (physical domain 40).
test_dmplex.cpp loads the mesh and tries to filter each sub-mesh and the interface. I use PETSc master.

When I load small.msh, all physical domains are correctly assigned to "Cell Sets" or "Face Sets".

1) Both sub-meshes (prisms with domains 43 and 45) are filtered with DMPlexFilter and saved correctly, but the interface isn't. What am I missing?

2) I can retrieve any specific strata of "Cell Sets" with DMPlexFilter, but this operation does not include any related strata of "Face Sets", as pointed by DMView. How can I do it?

3) Physical domains 43 and 45 could be interpreted as fluid and solid domains in a F.S.I. simulation, for example, and I would like to define fluid and solid sub-problems only on the respective sub-mesh. Do I really need to have fully operational sub-DMPLEX's in order to achieve it? Is there an easier way?

My apologies if the explanations are confusing!

Best regards,
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