[petsc-users] (no subject)

Ji Zhang gotofd at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 20:24:11 CDT 2016

Dear all,

I'm using petsc4py and now face some problems.
I have a number of small petsc dense matrices mij, and I want to construct
them to a big matrix M like this:

         [  m11  m12  m13  ]
    M =  |  m21  m22  m23  |   ,
         [  m31  m32  m33  ]
How could I do it effectively?

Now I'm using the code below:

    # get indexes of matrix mij
    index1_begin, index1_end = getindex_i( )
    index2_begin, index2_end = getindex_j( )
    M[index1_begin:index1_end, index2_begin:index2_end] = mij[:, :]
which report such error messages:

    petsc4py.PETSc.Error: error code 56
    [0] MatGetValues() line 1818 in
    [0] MatGetValues_MPIDense() line 154 in
    [0] No support for this operation for this object type
    [0] Only local values currently supported


Zhang Ji
Beijing Computational Science Research Center
E-mail: gotofd at gmail.com
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