[petsc-users] Trouble installing PETSc on a supercomputer

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jun 20 20:48:44 CDT 2016

> On Jun 20, 2016, at 7:47 PM, namu patel <namu.patel7 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am trying to PETSc 3.5.4 XSEDE Bridges. After running configure command:
> ./config/configure.py   --CC=mpicc --CXX=mpicxx   --FC=mpif90   known-mpi-shared-libraries=1   --PETSC_ARCH=$PETSC_ARCH   --with-shared-libraries  --with-debugging=0 --with-x=0  --download-hypre=1 --download-sundials=1 --download-fblaslapack=1 --with-batch
> the library prompts me to do as follows:
>     Since your compute nodes require use of a batch system or mpiexec you must:
>  1) Submit ./conftest-linux-opt to 1 processor of your batch system or system you are
>     cross-compiling for; this will generate the file reconfigure.py
>  2) Run ./reconfigure-linux-opt.py (to complete the configure process).
> I submitted the executable  ./conftest-linux-opt to the queue using a single process. I expected this script to only run for a few minutes and generate the ./reconfigure-linux-opt.py file, however, it had been running hours without generating the script (and I just terminated the job at that point).

  Yes it should run very quickly and end. 

  Does your batch system have an "interactive mode"  where you can submit jobs directly? You could run it in the debugger there and determine why it "hangs".


> I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I may have gone wrong?
> Thank you,
> Namu

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