[petsc-users] petsc4py --with-64-bit-indices

Aurelien Ponte aurelien.ponte at ifremer.fr
Sun Dec 18 07:57:35 CST 2016

Allright I got the following to complete:

### install pip:
module load python/2.7.10_gnu-4.9.2
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
python get-pip.py --user
# edit .cshrc: set path = ($path $home/.local/bin)  + setenv 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home1/caparmor/aponte/.local/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

setenv MPICC mpiicc
pip install --user --upgrade mpi4py
pip install --user --upgrade numpy
setenv PETSC_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS '--with-64-bit-indices 
pip install --user petsc petsc4py

But now I get the following at run time:
*** libmkl_mc3.so *** failed with error : 
/appli/intel/Compiler/11.1/073/mkl/lib/em64t/libmkl_mc3.so: undefined 
symbol: mkl_dft_commit_descriptor_s_c2c_md_omp
*** libmkl_def.so *** failed with error : 
/appli/intel/Compiler/11.1/073/mkl/lib/em64t/libmkl_def.so: undefined 
symbol: mkl_dft_commit_descriptor_s_c2c_md_omp
MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load neither libmkl_mc3.so nor libmkl_def.so
MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load neither libmkl_mc3.so nor libmkl_def.so

Any ideas?

I will also try the other approach (from source).



Le 17/12/2016 à 22:36, Lawrence Mitchell a écrit :
>> On 17 Dec 2016, at 19:19, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>   Looks like --install-option= are options for pip not the underlying package.
>>   Lisandro,  how does one do what seems to be a simple request?
> Set PETSC_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS to any additional flags you want to pass to configure during pip install

Aurélien Ponte
Tel: (+33) 2 98 22 40 73
Fax: (+33) 2 98 22 44 96
ZI de la Pointe du Diable
CS 10070
29280 Plouzané

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