[petsc-users] Can't expand MemType 1: jcol 16104
hzhang at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Jul 24 21:56:22 CDT 2015
I test your Amat_binary.m
using petsc/src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ex10.c.
Your matrix has many zero rows:
./ex10 -f0 ~/tmp/Amat_binary.m -rhs 0 -mat_view |more
Mat Object: 1 MPI processes
type: seqaij
row 0: (0, 1)
row 1: (1, 0)
row 2: (2, 1)
row 3: (3, 0)
row 4: (4, 1)
row 5: (5, 0)
row 6: (6, 1)
row 7: (7, 0)
row 8: (8, 1)
row 9: (9, 0)
row 36: (1, 1) (35, 0) (36, 1) (37, 0) (38, 1) (39, 0) (40, 1) (41,
0) (42, 1) (43, 0) (44, 1) (45,
0) (46, 1) (47, 0) (48, 1) (49, 0) (50, 1) (51, 0) (52, 1) (53, 0)
(54, 1) (55, 0) (56, 1) (57, 0)
(58, 1) (59, 0) (60, 1) ...
Do you send us correct matrix?
> I ran my code through valgrind and gdb as suggested by Barry. I am now
> coming back to some problem I have had while running with parallel symbolic
> factorization. I am attaching a test matrix (petsc binary format) that I LU
> decompose and then use to solve a linear system (see code below). I can run
> on 2 processors with parsymbfact or with 4 processors without parsymbfact.
> However, if I run on 4 procs with parsymbfact, the code is just hanging.
> Below is the simplified test case that I have used to test. The matrix A
> and B are built somewhere else in my program. The matrix I am attaching is
> A-sigma*B (see below).
> One thing is that I don't know for sparse matrices what is the optimum
> number of processors to use for a LU decomposition? Does it depend on the
> total number of nonzero? Do you have an easy way to compute it?
You have to experiment your matrix on a target machine to find out.
> Subroutine HowBigLUCanBe(rank)
> integer(i4b),intent(in) :: rank
> integer(i4b) :: i,ct
> real(dp) :: begin,endd
> complex(dpc) :: sigma
> PetscErrorCode ierr
> if (rank==0) call cpu_time(begin)
> if (rank==0) then
> write(*,*)
> write(*,*)'Testing How Big LU Can Be...'
> write(*,*)'============================'
> write(*,*)
> endif
> sigma = (1.0d0,0.0d0)
> call MatAXPY(A,-sigma,B,DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN,ierr) ! on exit A
> = A-sigma*B
> !.....Write Matrix to ASCII and Binary Format
> !call PetscViewerASCIIOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Amat.m",viewer,ierr)
> !call MatView(DXX,viewer,ierr)
> !call PetscViewerDestroy(viewer,ierr)
> call
> PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Amat_binary.m",FILE_MODE_WRITE,viewer,ierr)
> call MatView(A,viewer,ierr)
> call PetscViewerDestroy(viewer,ierr)
> !.....Create Linear Solver Context
> call KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ksp,ierr)
> !.....Set operators. Here the matrix that defines the linear system also
> serves as the preconditioning matrix.
> !call KSPSetOperators(ksp,A,A,DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN,ierr) !aha
> commented and replaced by next line
> call KSPSetOperators(ksp,A,A,ierr) ! remember: here A = A-sigma*B
> !.....Set Relative and Absolute Tolerances and Uses Default for Divergence
> Tol
> tol = 1.e-10
> call
> !.....Set the Direct (LU) Solver
> call KSPSetType(ksp,KSPPREONLY,ierr)
> call KSPGetPC(ksp,pc,ierr)
> call PCSetType(pc,PCLU,ierr)
> call PCFactorSetMatSolverPackage(pc,MATSOLVERSUPERLU_DIST,ierr) !
> !.....Create Right-Hand-Side Vector
> call MatCreateVecs(A,frhs,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,ierr)
> call MatCreateVecs(A,sol,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,ierr)
> allocate(xwork1(IendA-IstartA))
> allocate(loc(IendA-IstartA))
> ct=0
> do i=IstartA,IendA-1
> ct=ct+1
> loc(ct)=i
> xwork1(ct)=(1.0d0,0.0d0)
> enddo
> call VecSetValues(frhs,IendA-IstartA,loc,xwork1,INSERT_VALUES,ierr)
> call VecZeroEntries(sol,ierr)
> deallocate(xwork1,loc)
> !.....Assemble Vectors
> call VecAssemblyBegin(frhs,ierr)
> call VecAssemblyEnd(frhs,ierr)
> !.....Solve the Linear System
> call KSPSolve(ksp,frhs,sol,ierr)
> !call VecView(sol,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD,ierr)
> if (rank==0) then
> call cpu_time(endd)
> write(*,*)
> print '("Total time for HowBigLUCanBe = ",f21.3,"
> seconds.")',endd-begin
> endif
> call SlepcFinalize(ierr)
> end Subroutine HowBigLUCanBe
> On 07/08/2015 11:23 AM, Xiaoye S. Li wrote:
> Indeed, the parallel symbolic factorization routine needs power of 2
> processes, however, you can use however many processes you need;
> internally, we redistribute matrix to nearest power of 2 processes, do
> symbolic, then redistribute back to all the processes to do factorization,
> triangular solve etc. So, there is no restriction from the users
> viewpoint.
> It's difficult to tell what the problem is. Do you think you can print
> your matrix, then, I can do some debugging by running superlu_dist
> standalone?
> Sherry
> On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Anthony Paul Haas <aph at email.arizona.edu>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have used the switch -mat_superlu_dist_parsymbfact in my pbs script.
>> However, although my program worked fine with sequential symbolic
>> factorization, I get one of the following 2 behaviors when I run with
>> parallel symbolic factorization (depending on the number of processors that
>> I use):
>> 1) the program just hangs (it seems stuck in some subroutine ==> see
>> test.out-hangs)
>> 2) I get a floating point exception ==> see
>> test.out-floating-point-exception
>> Note that as suggested in the Superlu manual, I use a power of 2 number
>> of procs. Are there any tunable parameters for the parallel symbolic
>> factorization? Note that when I build my sparse matrix, most elements I add
>> are nonzero of course but to simplify the programming, I also add a few
>> zero elements in the sparse matrix. I was thinking that maybe if the
>> parallel symbolic factorization proceed by block, there could be some
>> blocks where the pivot would be zero, hence creating the FPE??
>> Thanks,
>> Anthony
>> On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 6:46 AM, Xiaoye S. Li <xsli at lbl.gov> wrote:
>>> Did you find out how to change option to use parallel symbolic
>>> factorization? Perhaps PETSc team can help.
>>> Sherry
>>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Xiaoye S. Li <xsli at lbl.gov> wrote:
>>>> Is there an inquiry function that tells you all the available options?
>>>> Sherry
>>>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Anthony Paul Haas <
>>>> aph at email.arizona.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Sherry,
>>>>> Thanks for your message. I have used superlu_dist default options. I
>>>>> did not realize that I was doing serial symbolic factorization. That is
>>>>> probably the cause of my problem.
>>>>> Each node on Garnet has 60GB usable memory and I can run with
>>>>> 1,2,4,8,16 or 32 core per node.
>>>>> So I should use:
>>>>> -mat_superlu_dist_r 20
>>>>> -mat_superlu_dist_c 32
>>>>> How do you specify the parallel symbolic factorization option? is it
>>>>> -mat_superlu_dist_matinput 1
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Anthony
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 3:08 PM, Xiaoye S. Li <xsli at lbl.gov> wrote:
>>>>>> For superlu_dist failure, this occurs during symbolic
>>>>>> factorization. Since you are using serial symbolic factorization, it
>>>>>> requires the entire graph of A to be available in the memory of one MPI
>>>>>> task. How much memory do you have for each MPI task?
>>>>>> It won't help even if you use more processes. You should try to
>>>>>> use parallel symbolic factorization option.
>>>>>> Another point. You set up process grid as:
>>>>>> Process grid nprow 32 x npcol 20
>>>>>> For better performance, you show swap the grid dimension. That is,
>>>>>> it's better to use 20 x 32, never gives nprow larger than npcol.
>>>>>> Sherry
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 1:27 PM, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I would suggest running a sequence of problems, 101 by 101 111 by
>>>>>>> 111 etc and get the memory usage in each case (when you run out of memory
>>>>>>> you can get NO useful information out about memory needs). You can then
>>>>>>> plot memory usage as a function of problem size to get a handle on how much
>>>>>>> memory it is using. You can also run on more and more processes (which
>>>>>>> have a total of more memory) to see how large a problem you may be able to
>>>>>>> reach.
>>>>>>> MUMPS also has an "out of core" version (which we have never
>>>>>>> used) that could in theory anyways let you get to large problems if you
>>>>>>> have lots of disk space, but you are on your own figuring out how to use it.
>>>>>>> Barry
>>>>>>> > On Jul 7, 2015, at 2:37 PM, Anthony Paul Haas <
>>>>>>> aph at email.arizona.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Hi Jose,
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > In my code, I use once PETSc to solve a linear system to get the
>>>>>>> baseflow (without using SLEPc) and then I use SLEPc to do the stability
>>>>>>> analysis of that baseflow. This is why, there are some SLEPc options that
>>>>>>> are not used in test.out-superlu_dist-151x151 (when I am solving for the
>>>>>>> baseflow with PETSc only). I have attached a 101x101 case for which I get
>>>>>>> the eigenvalues. That case works fine. However If i increase to 151x151, I
>>>>>>> get the error that you can see in test.out-superlu_dist-151x151 (similar
>>>>>>> error with mumps: see test.out-mumps-151x151 line 2918 ). If you look a the
>>>>>>> very end of the files test.out-superlu_dist-151x151 and
>>>>>>> test.out-mumps-151x151, you will see that the last info message printed is:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > On Processor (after EPSSetFromOptions) 0 memory:
>>>>>>> 0.65073152000E+08 =====> (see line 807 of module_petsc.F90)
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > This means that the memory error probably occurs in the call to
>>>>>>> EPSSolve (see module_petsc.F90 line 810). I would like to evaluate how much
>>>>>>> memory is required by the most memory intensive operation within EPSSolve.
>>>>>>> Since I am solving a generalized EVP, I would imagine that it would be the
>>>>>>> LU decomposition. But is there an accurate way of doing it?
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Before starting with iterative solvers, I would like to exploit as
>>>>>>> much as I can direct solvers. I tried GMRES with default preconditioner at
>>>>>>> some point but I had convergence problem. What solver/preconditioner would
>>>>>>> you recommend for a generalized non-Hermitian (EPS_GNHEP) EVP?
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Thanks,
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Anthony
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 12:17 AM, Jose E. Roman <jroman at dsic.upv.es>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > El 07/07/2015, a las 02:33, Anthony Haas escribió:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > > Hi,
>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>> > > I am computing eigenvalues using PETSc/SLEPc and superlu_dist
>>>>>>> for the LU decomposition (my problem is a generalized eigenvalue problem).
>>>>>>> The code runs fine for a grid with 101x101 but when I increase to 151x151,
>>>>>>> I get the following error:
>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>> > > Can't expand MemType 1: jcol 16104 (and then [NID 00037]
>>>>>>> 2015-07-06 19:19:17 Apid 31025976: OOM killer terminated this process.)
>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>> > > It seems to be a memory problem. I monitor the memory usage as
>>>>>>> far as I can and it seems that memory usage is pretty low. The most memory
>>>>>>> intensive part of the program is probably the LU decomposition in the
>>>>>>> context of the generalized EVP. Is there a way to evaluate how much memory
>>>>>>> will be required for that step? I am currently running the debug version of
>>>>>>> the code which I would assume would use more memory?
>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>> > > I have attached the output of the job. Note that the program
>>>>>>> uses twice PETSc: 1) to solve a linear system for which no problem occurs,
>>>>>>> and, 2) to solve the Generalized EVP with SLEPc, where I get the error.
>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>> > > Thanks
>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>> > > Anthony
>>>>>>> > > <test.out-superlu_dist-151x151>
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > In the output you are attaching there are no SLEPc objects in the
>>>>>>> report and SLEPc options are not used. It seems that SLEPc calls are
>>>>>>> skipped?
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Do you get the same error with MUMPS? Have you tried to solve
>>>>>>> linear systems with a preconditioned iterative solver?
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Jose
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> <module_petsc.F90><test.out-mumps-151x151><test.out_superlu_dist-101x101><test.out-superlu_dist-151x151>
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