[petsc-users] proper Fortran usage for PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage

Anthony Haas aph at email.arizona.edu
Fri Jul 3 13:35:37 CDT 2015

Hi Barry,

I tried what you suggested. When I use the flag -memory_info, 
PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage returns a nonzero value. If I do not use 
-memory_info, PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage returns a zero value on all 
processes. Regarding PetscMemoryGetCurrentUsage, it returns a nonzero 
value with or without the -memory_info flag. As for the debugger, I set 
a breakpoint at the function location (break 
PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage), then use run. When the program reaches the 
breakpoint, I use step and then print to examine mem (see below).



PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage (mem=0x7fffffffcca0)
     at /home/anthony/LIB/petsc-3.6.0/src/sys/memory/mem.c:153
153      if (!PetscMemoryCollectMaximumUsage) 
you must first call PetscMemorySetGetMaximumUsage()");
154      *mem = PetscMemoryMaximumUsage;
(gdb) print *mem
$1 = 6.9533558072018098e-310
(gdb) step
155      PetscFunctionReturn(0);
156    }
petscmemorygetmaximumusage_ (mem=0x7fffffffcca0, __ierr=0x7fffffffcd74)
     at /home/anthony/LIB/petsc-3.6.0/src/sys/memory/ftn-auto/memf.c:52
52    }
petsc::setupsolvegevp (nx=25, ny=25, nxy=625, alpha=0,
     beta=3.1415926535897931, re=1000) at module_petsc.F90:367
367        call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr);CHKERRQ(ierr)
(gdb) print mem
$2 = 0

On 07/02/2015 06:10 PM, Barry Smith wrote:
>> On Jul 2, 2015, at 7:03 PM, Anthony Paul Haas <aph at email.arizona.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Barry,
>> Here it is. Note that the options -memory_info and -malloc_log provide proper data but I wanted to monitor some operations more closely.
>    That's odd, they all use the same mechanism.
>     Run on one processor in the debugger  use the PETSc command line option -start_in_debugger noxterm
>     then put a breakpoint in PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage  and see what the values are when it gets there.
>     Also run the same code with the option -memory_info  maybe the PetscMemorySetGetMaximumUsage() isn't working, though it should,
>    Barry
>> Thanks,
>> Anthony
>> On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 4:49 PM, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>    It is PetscLogDouble which is an alias for real*8.
>>   Only certain systems give easy access to the memory usage. Send the file $PETSC_ARCH/include/petscconf.h and I'll check if yours is suppose to be able to.
>>    Barry
>>> On Jul 2, 2015, at 4:51 PM, Anthony Paul Haas <aph at email.arizona.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Could you please tell me what is the proper Fortran usage for PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage? Do I need to define mem (see below) as PetscInt or PetscLogDouble? I tried both and in both case I got zero memory for all the processes.
>>> I did:
>>>         1st try:  PetscLogDouble mem
>>>         2nd try:  PetscInt mem
>>>      call SlepcInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,ierr)
>>>      call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,size,ierr)
>>>      call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,rank,ierr)
>>>      call PetscMemorySetGetMaximumUsage(ierr)
>>>      .... some code with allocate, MatCreate, MatsetValues,...
>>>      call PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage(mem,ierr)
>>>      write(*,*)'On Processor',rank,'memory:',mem
>>> Thanks,
>>> Anthony
>> <petscconf.h>

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