[petsc-users] Mapping between application ordering and Petsc ordering

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 14:19:55 CDT 2015

On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Mani Chandra <mc0710 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having trouble interfacing petsc to an application which I think is
> related to the ordering of the nodes. Here's what I'm trying to do:
> The application uses a structured grid with a global array having
> dimensions N1 x N2, which is then decomposed into a local array with
> dimensions NX1 x NX2.
> I create a Petsc DMDA using
>     DMDACreate2d(MPI_COMM_WORLD,
>                  DMDA_STENCIL_BOX,
>                  N1, N2,
>                  N1/NX1, N2/NX2,
>                  1, nghost, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL,
>                  &dmda);
> and then use this to create a vec:
>   DMCreateGlobalVector(dmda, &vec);
> Now I copy the local contents of the application array to the petsc array
> using the following:
> Let i, j be the application indices and iPetsc and jPetsc be petsc's
> indices, then:
> DMDAGetCorners(dmda, &iStart, &jStart, &kStart,
>                                          &iSize, &jSize, &kSize
>                               );
> double **arrayPetsc;
> DMDAVecGetArray(dmda, vec, &arrayPetsc);
> for (int j=0, jPetsc=jStart; j<NX2, jPetsc<jStart+jSize; j++, jPetsc++)
> {
>   for (int i=0, iPetsc=iStart; i<NX1, iPetsc<iStart+iSize; i++, iPetsc++)
>   {
>      arrayPetsc[jPetsc][iPetsc] = arrayApplication[j][i];
>   }
> }
> DMDAVecRestoreArray(dmda, vec, &arrayPetsc);
> Now if I VecView(vec, viewer) and look at the data that petsc has, it
> looks right when run with 1 proc, but if I use 4 procs it's all messed up
> (see attached plots).
> I should probably be using the AO object but its not clear how. Could you
> help me out?

It looks like you have the global order of processes reversed, meaning you

  1   3

  0   2

and it should be

  2  3

  0  1



> Thanks,
> Mani
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