[petsc-users] Performance improvement (finite element model + slepc)

jifeng zhao jifengzhao2015 at u.northwestern.edu
Wed Jun 18 15:37:15 CDT 2014


I am a new user to Petsc + Slepc. I am trying to extract natural frequency
of a finite element model using Slepc. The way I do is

1. Use other software (Abaqus) to assembly the stiffness and mass matrix.
2. Use Slepc to solve a generalized eigenvalue problem. K x = lamda M x
with K, M being stiffness and mass matrix.

I wrote my petsc/slepc code based on the examples on slepc web. They all
compiled and working correctly.

The question I am raising here is what solvers (solver combinations) should
I use to be most efficient?

Right now I am using "bcgsl" (BiCGSTAB) solver for KSP linear solvers, "JD"
jacobian-davison for eigen solver, and "bjacobi" (block jacobian) for my
preconditioner. It works, but I need it to be more efficient to solver big
problem (millions of degrees of freedom). I am not an expert on knowing how
these solvers are different at all!

Is there anybody who has extracted eigenvalues of a Finite element model
using Slepc? How can I possibly improve the performance?

Thank you!

PS: my running command reads like:

./eigen_solver -f1 petsc_stiff1.dat -f2 petsc_mass1.dat -eps_nev 40
-eps_target 0.0 -eps_type jd -st_type precond -st_ksp_type bcgsl
-st_pc_type bjacobi -st_ksp_rtol 0.001 -eps_tol 1e-5 -eps_harmonic
Jifeng Zhao
PhD candidate at Northwestern University, US
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Program
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