[petsc-users] Can I use TS routines for operator split formulation

Shriram Srinivasan shriram at ualberta.ca
Mon Jun 9 11:51:54 CDT 2014

I am working with the (discretised) PDE:
(u* - u_prev) + (tau )A u* = f1
(u - u*) + (tau)B u = f2
Here A and B are constant matrices which have been assembled, u_prev is 
solution at previous time level, tau is the time step and u is the 
solution at current time level.

It appears to me I cannot rewrite this in a form required by the TS 
module. So my question(s) are:

1) Am I missing something here, or is there a way to cast this into the 
framework of TS
2) If there isn’t a way, am I better off doing the time stepping myself ?


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