[petsc-users] Dirichlet boundary conditions for MATMPISBAIJ

Aurelia Cuba Ramos aurelia.cubaramos at epfl.ch
Thu Dec 4 07:14:40 CST 2014

Hi all,

I recently started using PETSc and I am working with the MATMPISBAIJ
matrix format. I am trying to apply Dirichlet boundary conditions by
calling MatZeroRowsColumns() but this function seems to be not available
for symmetric block matrices in parallel. I saw on the FAQ website that
another possible way is to use MatZeroRows() and -ksp_type preonly
-pc_type redistribute. But when I try calling MatZeroRows() I get again
a PetscErrorCode 56, so it doesn't seem to be supported neither. I am
currently using PETSc 3.4. Is MatZeroRowsColumns() avaibale for
MATMPISBAIJ in PETSc 3.5 and if not, what is the fastest way to apply
Dirichlet BC's for this matrix format?

Many thanks,


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