[petsc-users] question about LU decomposition of a conjugated matrix

Dmitry Karpeyev karpeev at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Nov 22 15:36:20 CST 2013

On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> Michael Povolotskyi <mpovolot at purdue.edu> writes:
> > This sounds very reasonable for me and my colleagues to have
> > Our problems always require Hermitian transpose but I assume there are
> > problems where it is not the case.
> Complex symmetric shows up in frequency-domain wave problems.  Methods
> like Sou-Cheng's CS-MINRES take advantage of that structure.
> > Actually my goal is to solve the transposed problem with PARDISO
> > package. It looks like it is the fastest option for the problems we
> > usually solve.
> >
> > By the way, it there a chance to have interface to Pardiso in the next
> > PETSc release? My colleague Jose David Bermeo sent the modules for this
> > some time ago for your approval.
> I was buried in a proposal deadline and then SC13, but I will go through
> the pull requests that nobody has gotten to.  I think the Pardiso
> contribution is more-or-less ready to merge.  For MatMatSolveTranspose,
> I would recommend doing it in a new branch starting from 'master'.
> Please include a reference implementation so that we can test without
> Pardiso (which is not free software).  The code should be similar to
> MatMatSolve_SeqAIJ.  Once that works (and has a test), you'll merge the
> Pardiso branch and add MatMatSolveTranspose_Pardiso.
By analogy with MatTransposeMatMult() etc., should this be
Since 'Transpose' applies to the first Mat.
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