[petsc-users] Same random number

Hong Zhang hzhang at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Nov 20 09:52:55 CST 2013

Feng XING,

> I use Petsc random number generator. Every time I launch the code I get
> same random number, the code is like this:
>   PetscRandom rnd;
>   PetscRandomCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&rnd);
>   PetscRandomSetType(rnd,PETSCRAND);
>   PetscScalar r;
>   PetscRandomGetValue(rnd,&r);
> I would like to ask two questions. How could I get different random number?

You can use
PetscRandomSetSeed() and PetscRandomSeed().
See an example:

> And what's the difference bewteen PETSCRAND and PETSCRAND48?

Two different random number generators, see

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