[petsc-users] Petsc crashes with intel compiler

Mohammad Mirzadeh mirzadeh at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 19:46:16 CDT 2012

Alright, just removed pthreadclasses and it did not help. The code still

Matt, I'm gonna try MKL now; However, don't you think its strange that the
gcc version works even when I use MKL?

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> Can you remove pthreadclasses from your configure? If the problem is
>> still there, it looks a bit like a misconfigured MPI. But get rid of the
>> pthreadclasses first.
> After that, I would get rid of MKL in favor of --download-f-blas-lapack.
> My guess is that MKL is doing something
> crazy in the compiler.
>     Matt
>> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 6:38 PM, Mohammad Mirzadeh <mirzadeh at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> hi guys,
>>> After doing many many tests across different machine (Linux box and a
>>> Mac) and clusters (Gordon and Lonestar) I'm able to reproduce a test in
>>> which my code crashes if I use a petsc version that is compiled with intel
>>> compiler. This does not happen if I use gcc. When I use BiCGSTAB solver
>>> along with hypre's BoomerAMG, I get the following error message:
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>> ------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Error in external library!
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Error in HYPRE solver, error code 1!
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.3.0, Patch 2, Fri Jul 13
>>> 15:42:00 CDT 2012
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: ./2D_cylinders on a arch-linu named
>>> c341-116.ls4.tacc.utexas.edu by mmirzade Fri Aug 31 18:13:15 2012
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from
>>> /work/02032/mmirzade/soft/petsc-3.3-p2/arch-linux-intel-debug/lib
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Fri Aug 31 17:22:42 2012
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-intel-debug
>>> --with-clanguage=cxx --with-pthreadclasses=1
>>> --with-mpi-dir=/opt/apps/intel11_1/mvapich2/1.6
>>> --with-blas-lapack-dir=/opt/apps/intel/11.1/mkl --download-hypre=1
>>> --download-hdf5=1 --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1
>>> --download-superlu_dist=1
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: PCApply_HYPRE() line 160 in
>>> src/ksp/pc/impls/hypre/hypre.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: PCApply() line 384 in src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: KSPInitialResidual() line 57 in
>>> src/ksp/ksp/interface/itres.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: KSPSolve_BCGS() line 65 in src/ksp/ksp/impls/bcgs/bcgs.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: KSPSolve() line 446 in src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: solve() line 402 in
>>> "unknowndirectory/"/work/02032/mmirzade/codes/CASL/lib/algebra/petscLinearSolver.cpp
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>> ------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Error in external library!
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Error in HYPRE_IJMatrixDestroy()!
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.3.0, Patch 2, Fri Jul 13
>>> 15:42:00 CDT 2012
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: ./2D_cylinders on a arch-linu named
>>> c341-116.ls4.tacc.utexas.edu by mmirzade Fri Aug 31 18:13:15 2012
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from
>>> /work/02032/mmirzade/soft/petsc-3.3-p2/arch-linux-intel-debug/lib
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Fri Aug 31 17:22:42 2012
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-intel-debug
>>> --with-clanguage=cxx --with-pthreadclasses=1
>>> --with-mpi-dir=/opt/apps/intel11_1/mvapich2/1.6
>>> --with-blas-lapack-dir=/opt/apps/intel/11.1/mkl --download-hypre=1
>>> --download-hdf5=1 --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1
>>> --download-superlu_dist=1
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: PCDestroy_HYPRE() line 178 in
>>> src/ksp/pc/impls/hypre/hypre.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: PCDestroy() line 119 in src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: KSPDestroy() line 786 in src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: clear() line 438 in
>>> "unknowndirectory/"/work/02032/mmirzade/codes/CASL/lib/algebra/petscLinearSolver.cpp
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Caught signal number 11 SEGV: Segmentation Violation,
>>> probably memory access out of range
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Try option -start_in_debugger or
>>> -on_error_attach_debugger
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: or see
>>> http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html#valgrind[0]PETSCERROR: or try
>>> http://valgrind.org on GNU/linux and Apple Mac OS X to find memory
>>> corruption errors
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: likely location of problem given in stack below
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: ---------------------  Stack Frames
>>> ------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Note: The EXACT line numbers in the stack are not
>>> available,
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:       INSTEAD the line number of the start of the
>>> function
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:       is given.
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] VecDestroy line 574 src/vec/vec/interface/vector.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPReset_BCGS line 194 src/ksp/ksp/impls/bcgs/bcgs.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPReset line 729 src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPDestroy line 768 src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] PetscError line 343 src/sys/error/err.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] HYPRE_IJMatrixDestroy line 0 unknownunknown
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] PCDestroy_HYPRE line 177
>>> src/ksp/pc/impls/hypre/hypre.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] PCDestroy line 110 src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPDestroy line 768 src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] PetscError line 343 src/sys/error/err.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] PCApply_HYPRE line 149 src/ksp/pc/impls/hypre/hypre.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] PCApply line 373 src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPInitialResidual line 45
>>> src/ksp/ksp/interface/itres.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPSolve_BCGS line 54 src/ksp/ksp/impls/bcgs/bcgs.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPSolve line 351 src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>> ------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Signal received!
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.3.0, Patch 2, Fri Jul 13
>>> 15:42:00 CDT 2012
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: ./2D_cylinders on a arch-linu named
>>> c341-116.ls4.tacc.utexas.edu by mmirzade Fri Aug 31 18:13:15 2012
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from
>>> /work/02032/mmirzade/soft/petsc-3.3-p2/arch-linux-intel-debug/lib
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Fri Aug 31 17:22:42 2012
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-intel-debug
>>> --with-clanguage=cxx --with-pthreadclasses=1
>>> --with-mpi-dir=/opt/apps/intel11_1/mvapich2/1.6
>>> --with-blas-lapack-dir=/opt/apps/intel/11.1/mkl --download-hypre=1
>>> --download-hdf5=1 --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1
>>> --download-superlu_dist=1
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: User provided function() line 0 in unknown directory
>>> unknown file
>>> application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 59) - process 0
>>> Initially I thought this is somehow related to hypre, but even when I
>>> run the code with -pc_type none I get:
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>> ------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Floating point exception!
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Infinite or not-a-number generated in norm!
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.3.0, Patch 2, Fri Jul 13
>>> 15:42:00 CDT 2012
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: ./2D_cylinders on a arch-linu named
>>> c341-116.ls4.tacc.utexas.edu by mmirzade Fri Aug 31 18:15:04 2012
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from
>>> /work/02032/mmirzade/soft/petsc-3.3-p2/arch-linux-intel-debug/lib
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Fri Aug 31 17:22:42 2012
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-intel-debug
>>> --with-clanguage=cxx --with-pthreadclasses=1
>>> --with-mpi-dir=/opt/apps/intel11_1/mvapich2/1.6
>>> --with-blas-lapack-dir=/opt/apps/intel/11.1/mkl --download-hypre=1
>>> --download-hdf5=1 --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1
>>> --download-superlu_dist=1
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: VecNorm() line 169 in src/vec/vec/interface/rvector.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: KSPSolve_BCGS() line 78 in src/ksp/ksp/impls/bcgs/bcgs.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: KSPSolve() line 446 in src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: solve() line 402 in
>>> "unknowndirectory/"/work/02032/mmirzade/codes/CASL/lib/algebra/petscLinearSolver.cpp
>>> N5PETSc9ExceptionE
>>> In both cases the solution to the linear system diverges. None of these
>>> issues happen when I build petsc with gcc.
>>> Couple of points:
>>> 1) The gcc version is clean under valgrind (except the usual
>>> PetscInitialize errors ...) but the intel versions generates all sort of
>>> errors in valgrind. Please see blow (this is during one Poisson solve)
>>> 2) This is my petsc configure option:
>>> /configure PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-gcc-debug --with-clanguage=cxx
>>> --with-pthreadclasses=1 --with-mpi-dir=$MPICH_HOME
>>> --with-blas-lapack-dir=$TACC_MKL_DIR --download-hypre=1 --download-hdf5=1
>>> --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1 --download-superlu_dist=1
>>> ./configure PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-intel-debug --with-clanguage=cxx
>>> --with-pthreadclasses=1 --with-mpi-dir=$MPICH_HOME
>>> --with-blas-lapack-dir=$TACC_MKL_DIR --download-hypre=1 --download-hdf5=1
>>> --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1 --download-superlu_dist=1
>>> in both cases $TACC_MKL_DIR points to a mkl library compiled using intel
>>> compiler. I don't think if that has to do with any of this (looking at
>>> valgrind output) but then again that's the only version of mkl available on
>>> the cluster (Lonestar).
>>> Do you think this is somehow a compiler bug(?) or something more like an
>>> undefined behavior in my own code?
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74B236A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3756)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D79D: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc_unsafe (handlemem.c:363)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D665: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc (handlemem.c:307)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x744F596: MPIR_Comm_create (commutil.c:101)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x744E84D: MPIR_Comm_copy (commutil.c:969)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x7447F14: PMPI_Comm_dup (comm_dup.c:177)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2292A: PCCreate_HYPRE (hypre.c:1018)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xA64120: PCSetType(_p_PC*, char const*) (pcset.c:83)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B3FE: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:331)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x40D464: main (main_2D_cylinders.cpp:299)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74B21CD: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3825)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D79D: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc_unsafe (handlemem.c:363)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D665: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc (handlemem.c:307)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x744F596: MPIR_Comm_create (commutil.c:101)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x744E84D: MPIR_Comm_copy (commutil.c:969)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x7447F14: PMPI_Comm_dup (comm_dup.c:177)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2292A: PCCreate_HYPRE (hypre.c:1018)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xA64120: PCSetType(_p_PC*, char const*) (pcset.c:83)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B3FE: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:331)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x40D464: main (main_2D_cylinders.cpp:299)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x8283154: __intel_new_memset (in
>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x8261535: _intel_fast_memset.J (in
>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B221A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3826)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D79D: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc_unsafe (handlemem.c:363)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D665: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc (handlemem.c:307)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x744F596: MPIR_Comm_create (commutil.c:101)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x744E84D: MPIR_Comm_copy (commutil.c:969)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x7447F14: PMPI_Comm_dup (comm_dup.c:177)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2292A: PCCreate_HYPRE (hypre.c:1018)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xA64120: PCSetType(_p_PC*, char const*) (pcset.c:83)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B3FE: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:331)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74B236A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3756)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D714: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc_unsafe (handlemem.c:363)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D665: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc (handlemem.c:307)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x744F596: MPIR_Comm_create (commutil.c:101)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x744E84D: MPIR_Comm_copy (commutil.c:969)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x7447F14: PMPI_Comm_dup (comm_dup.c:177)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2292A: PCCreate_HYPRE (hypre.c:1018)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xA64120: PCSetType(_p_PC*, char const*) (pcset.c:83)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B3FE: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:331)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x40D464: main (main_2D_cylinders.cpp:299)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74B21CD: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3825)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D714: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc_unsafe (handlemem.c:363)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D665: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc (handlemem.c:307)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x744F596: MPIR_Comm_create (commutil.c:101)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x744E84D: MPIR_Comm_copy (commutil.c:969)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x7447F14: PMPI_Comm_dup (comm_dup.c:177)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2292A: PCCreate_HYPRE (hypre.c:1018)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xA64120: PCSetType(_p_PC*, char const*) (pcset.c:83)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B3FE: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:331)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x40D464: main (main_2D_cylinders.cpp:299)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x8283136: __intel_new_memset (in
>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x8261535: _intel_fast_memset.J (in
>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B221A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3826)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D714: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc_unsafe (handlemem.c:363)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D665: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc (handlemem.c:307)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x744F596: MPIR_Comm_create (commutil.c:101)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x744E84D: MPIR_Comm_copy (commutil.c:969)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x7447F14: PMPI_Comm_dup (comm_dup.c:177)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2292A: PCCreate_HYPRE (hypre.c:1018)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xA64120: PCSetType(_p_PC*, char const*) (pcset.c:83)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B3FE: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:331)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74B236A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3756)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E6385: hypre_BoomerAMGCreate (par_amg.c:203)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2E10: HYPRE_BoomerAMGCreate (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:31)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xB1C33B: PCHYPRESetType_HYPRE (hypre.c:817)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2117F: PCSetFromOptions_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:895)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xA65705: PCSetFromOptions(_p_PC*) (pcset.c:196)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B487: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x40D464: main (main_2D_cylinders.cpp:299)
>>> ==8404==
>>> Solving a nonlinear PB to get steady state solution ...
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74B21CD: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3825)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB097: hypre_IJMatrixSetDiagOffdSizesParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:179)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D97C9: HYPRE_IJMatrixSetDiagOffdSizes
>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:818)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A2728: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixPreallocate(_p_Mat*, _p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:48)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A3E9C: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCreate(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct**) (mhyp.c:80)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDA92: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:100)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92: amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double,
>>> int) (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AECA4: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Syscall param mmap(length) contains uninitialised byte(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x3E3CED10EA: mmap (in /lib64/libc-2.5.so)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AECD1: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AEA3E: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AEA70: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AEA8A: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AEA98: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD6E6: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4366)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD723: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4389)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD755: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4400)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD75B: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD77E: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD7A9: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4425)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD7B4: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4455)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDAE: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4116)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDD9: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDEC: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDFF: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE42: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4124)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE4C: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4126)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE88: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4148)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE9C: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4152)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF56: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4220)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF72: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4227)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF7E: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4227)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADED9: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4168)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B62C5: hypre_SeqVectorInitialize (vector.c:94)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158CF25: hypre_ParVectorInitialize (par_vector.c:150)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E0E57: hypre_IJVectorInitializePar
>>> (IJVector_parcsr.c:124)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DA2B9: HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize (HYPRE_IJVector.c:229)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xE77A78: VecHYPRE_IJVectorCreate(_p_Vec*,
>>> hypre_IJVector_struct**) (vhyp.c:21)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDC0C: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:105)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADEE6: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4165)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B62C5: hypre_SeqVectorInitialize (vector.c:94)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158CF25: hypre_ParVectorInitialize (par_vector.c:150)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E0E57: hypre_IJVectorInitializePar
>>> (IJVector_parcsr.c:124)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DA2B9: HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize (HYPRE_IJVector.c:229)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xE77A78: VecHYPRE_IJVectorCreate(_p_Vec*,
>>> hypre_IJVector_struct**) (vhyp.c:21)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDC0C: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:105)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF31: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4216)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B62C5: hypre_SeqVectorInitialize (vector.c:94)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158CF25: hypre_ParVectorInitialize (par_vector.c:150)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E0E57: hypre_IJVectorInitializePar
>>> (IJVector_parcsr.c:124)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DA2B9: HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize (HYPRE_IJVector.c:229)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xE77A78: VecHYPRE_IJVectorCreate(_p_Vec*,
>>> hypre_IJVector_struct**) (vhyp.c:21)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDC0C: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:105)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD75B: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AF651: free (mvapich_malloc.c:3497)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494CCA: PetscFreeAlign(void*, int, char const*, char
>>> const*, char const*) (mal.c:75)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x497F91: PetscTrFreeDefault(void*, int, char const*,
>>> char const*, char const*) (mtr.c:322)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E866E: VecDestroy_Seq(_p_Vec*) (bvec2.c:777)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x59F7CD: VecDestroy(_p_Vec**) (vector.c:580)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDD5D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:107)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92: amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double,
>>> int) (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD775: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4406)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AF651: free (mvapich_malloc.c:3497)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494CCA: PetscFreeAlign(void*, int, char const*, char
>>> const*, char const*) (mal.c:75)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x497F91: PetscTrFreeDefault(void*, int, char const*,
>>> char const*, char const*) (mtr.c:322)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E866E: VecDestroy_Seq(_p_Vec*) (bvec2.c:777)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x59F7CD: VecDestroy(_p_Vec**) (vector.c:580)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDD5D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:107)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92: amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double,
>>> int) (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD7A9: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4425)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AF651: free (mvapich_malloc.c:3497)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494CCA: PetscFreeAlign(void*, int, char const*, char
>>> const*, char const*) (mal.c:75)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x497F91: PetscTrFreeDefault(void*, int, char const*,
>>> char const*, char const*) (mtr.c:322)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E866E: VecDestroy_Seq(_p_Vec*) (bvec2.c:777)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x59F7CD: VecDestroy(_p_Vec**) (vector.c:580)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDD5D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:107)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92: amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double,
>>> int) (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDA1: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4106)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDAE: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4116)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDD9: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDEC: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDFF: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE12: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE42: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4124)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE4C: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4126)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE88: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4148)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE9C: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4152)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE1E7: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4170)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3B06: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:97)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE1EF: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4173)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3B06: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:97)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE266: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4188)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3B06: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:97)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF87: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4237)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1626536: hypre_AuxParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>> (aux_parcsr_matrix.c:177)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB372: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:273)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADECC: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4165)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B62C5: hypre_SeqVectorInitialize (vector.c:94)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x158CF25: hypre_ParVectorInitialize (par_vector.c:150)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14ECF47: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:464)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF72: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4227)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14FC3F9: hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenRuge (par_coarsen.c:940)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14FF1EE: hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenFalgout
>>> (par_coarsen.c:1918)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14EDE45: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:758)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF7E: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4227)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14FC3F9: hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenRuge (par_coarsen.c:940)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14FF1EE: hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenFalgout
>>> (par_coarsen.c:1918)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14EDE45: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:758)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE293: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4254)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x153D557: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>> (par_rap.c:1012)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92: amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double,
>>> int) (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE29B: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4257)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x153D557: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>> (par_rap.c:1012)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92: amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double,
>>> int) (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE327: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x153D557: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>> (par_rap.c:1012)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92: amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double,
>>> int) (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE4E: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4129)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x153DAD9: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>> (par_rap.c:1122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92: amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double,
>>> int) (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE56: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4129)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x153DAD9: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>> (par_rap.c:1122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92: amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double,
>>> int) (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE98: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4151)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x153DAD9: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>> (par_rap.c:1122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92: amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double,
>>> int) (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD771: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4406)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AF651: free (mvapich_malloc.c:3497)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x16240BA: hypre_Free (hypre_memory.c:196)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x153F2EA: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>> (par_rap.c:1685)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92: amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double,
>>> int) (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF56: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4220)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1586F83: hypre_ParCSRMatrixCreate (par_csr_matrix.c:60)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1554BE0: hypre_BoomerAMGCreateS (par_strength.c:156)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14EDD1B: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:736)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x828313B: __intel_new_memset (in
>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x8261535: _intel_fast_memset.J (in
>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B221A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3826)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14FC57D: hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenRuge (par_coarsen.c:988)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14FF1EE: hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenFalgout
>>> (par_coarsen.c:1918)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14EDE45: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:758)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x8283145: __intel_new_memset (in
>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x8261535: _intel_fast_memset.J (in
>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B221A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3826)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x153E2B7: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>> (par_rap.c:1354)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE1F1: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4174)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3457: hypre_CSRMatrixTranspose (csr_matop.c:354)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x153B7B8: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>> (par_rap.c:372)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD77E: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AF651: free (mvapich_malloc.c:3497)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x16240BA: hypre_Free (hypre_memory.c:196)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3A2F: hypre_CSRMatrixDestroy (csr_matrix.c:69)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x153F6C2: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>> (par_rap.c:1767)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>> ==8404==    at 0x8283131: __intel_new_memset (in
>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x8261535: _intel_fast_memset.J (in
>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B221A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3826)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x153E2DD: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>> (par_rap.c:1355)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>> ==8404==
>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADED9: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4168)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xE71ECC: VecStashCreate_Private(int, int, VecStash*)
>>> (vecstash.c:37)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x6145A1: VecCreate_MPI_Private(_p_Vec*, PetscBool, int,
>>> double const*) (pbvec.c:207)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x613475: VecDuplicate_MPI(_p_Vec*, _p_Vec**) (pbvec.c:70)
>>> ==8404==    by 0x59EF10: VecDuplicate(_p_Vec*, _p_Vec**) (vector.c:551)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC4F687: KSPDefaultConverged(_p_KSP*, int, double,
>>> KSPConvergedReason*, void*) (iterativ.c:585)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC6CB92: KSPSolve_BCGS(_p_KSP*) (bcgs.c:86)
>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1FC32: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>> (itfunc.c:446)
>>> ==8404==
> --
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
> experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
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