[petsc-users] Makefile on Photran with PETSc in linux

TAY wee-beng zonexo at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 05:09:41 CST 2011


I can compile with PETSc on linux with the makefile provided by the 
PETSc team. I'm now trying to use photran. I have made a makefile which 
is very basic and it basically list out all the commands to run. It can 
be used to compile on photran.

However, I hope to use the makefile provided by the PETSc team because 
it is much more flexible. However when I use it, it says:

**** Build of configuration Default for project ibm2d_high_Re ****

make all
make: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.

I have attached the 2 makefiles:

Makefile - from PETSc team
Makefile_old - my own makefile

Yours sincerely,

TAY wee-beng

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