[petsc-users] Solver Parameter Optimization

Michel Cancelliere fernandez858 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 04:40:19 CST 2011

Thank you Aron, I'll check it

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Aron Ahmadia <aron.ahmadia at kaust.edu.sa>wrote:

> I've seen a few threads in this direction:
> See Sanjukta Bhowmick's work on combining machine learning with PETSc to
> start:
> http://cs.unomaha.edu/~bhowmick/Blog/Entries/2010/9/12_Solvers_for_Large_Sparse_Linear_Systems.html
> HYPRE has something along the lines of this as well, but I have not seen
> any promising results.
> Don't forget that even slightly different problems can have wildly
> different convergence properties, you want a solver that is both fast and
> robust to changes in your input parameters.
> A
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 1:27 PM, Michel Cancelliere <
> fernandez858 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear users,
>> I've implemented a simple hydrocarbon reservoir simulator using PETSc, the
>> simulator is used inside an iterative loop in which thousand of simulations
>> are run with different input parameters(In order to calibrate the properties
>> of the model). I would like to use those iterations to tuneup the parameters
>> of the solver (precoditioner,type of linear solver, restart, etc...), Have
>> someone working with that?, Do you know some papers where I can some
>> information about that?
>> Thank you for your time,
>> Michel
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