[petsc-users] query about parallel REML

Tomasz Jankowski tomjan at jay.au.poznan.pl
Mon Feb 14 03:13:51 CST 2011

Hello All,

I'm looking for some opensource/free copy of parallel reml (best based on 

I have found old post at 
which is directing to acre-developers at eml.pnl.gov.
But it seems that this email is not active.
I have also try with JM.Malard at pnl.gov email but it's also 
not active.

So I'm writing here. Does anyone have copy of this software?
Could you share it?

Many Thanks,

Tomasz Jankowski

#               tomjan at jay.au.poznan.pl                #
#              jay.au.poznan.pl/~tomjan/               #

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