[petsc-users] DAGlobalToLocalBegin()

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 15:16:33 CDT 2010

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 3:01 PM, (Rebecca) Xuefei YUAN
<xy2102 at columbia.edu>wrote:

> Dear Jed and Matt,

This is a genuine bug. It is in DMMGComputeJacobianWithFD() and only occurs
IS_COLORING_GHOSTED is true. So, using IS_COLORING_GLOBAL would probably
work here (can't look up the option right now).

Barry, what is supposed to happen here? Clearly a local vector is being
passed where
a global vector is expected (at least part of the time).


> Yes, X and F are global and localFIELD is serial. I ran with np=2.
> The error I get is:
> **************************************************
>  0 SNES Function norm 1.095445115010e+01
> [1]PETSC ERROR: VecScatterBegin() line 1538 in src/vec/vec/utils/vscat.c
> Vector wrong size 100 for scatter 60 (scatter forward and vector from != ctx
> from size)
> [0]PETSC ERROR: VecScatterBegin() line 1538 in src/vec/vec/utils/vscat.c
> Vector wrong size 100 for scatter 60 (scatter forward and vector from != ctx
> from size)
> from gdb, I get:
> Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
> [Switching to Thread 0xb7c396b0 (LWP 6301)]
> 0xb7f09410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
> (gdb) where
> #0  0xb7f09410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
> #1  0xb7c89085 in raise () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
> #2  0xb7c8aa01 in abort () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
> #3  0x087d591d in PetscAbortErrorHandler (line=1538,
>    fun=0x88fe26d "VecScatterBegin", file=0x88fd9f7 "vscat.c",
>    dir=0x88fd9ff "src/vec/vec/utils/", n=60, p=1,
>    mess=0xbfd31124 "Vector wrong size 100 for scatter 60 (scatter forward
> and v
> ector from != ctx from size)", ctx=0x0) at errabort.c:62
> #4  0x0874a88e in PetscError (line=1538, func=0x88fe26d "VecScatterBegin",
>    file=0x88fd9f7 "vscat.c", dir=0x88fd9ff "src/vec/vec/utils/", n=60, p=1,
>    mess=0x88fe3a0 "Vector wrong size %D for scatter %D (scatter forward and
> vec
> tor from != ctx from size)") at err.c:482
> #5  0x086558cc in VecScatterBegin (inctx=0x8a393b0, x=0x8b39cc0,
> y=0x8b3b310,
>    addv=INSERT_VALUES, mode=SCATTER_FORWARD) at vscat.c:1538
> #6  0x0828b54c in DAGlobalToLocalBegin (da=0x8a2d360, g=0x8b39cc0,
>    mode=INSERT_VALUES, l=0x8b3b310) at dagtol.c:50
> #7  0x080f1b25 in FormFunction (snes=0x8a47840, X=0x8b39cc0, F=0x8adb2f0,
>    dummg=0x8a2b810) at twgcqt2unffnictv.c:8382
> #8  0x0860c63d in MatFDColoringApply_AIJ (J=0x8a6bbb0, coloring=0x8aa7b40,
>    x1=0x8b12a60, flag=0xbfd32164, sctx=0x8a47840) at fdmatrix.c:680
> #9  0x0860abaf in MatFDColoringApply (J=0x8a6bbb0, coloring=0x8aa7b40,
>    x1=0x8b12a60, flag=0xbfd32164, sctx=0x8a47840) at fdmatrix.c:521
> #10 0x08122e45 in SNESDefaultComputeJacobianColor (snes=0x8a47840,
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>    x1=0x8b12a60, J=0x8a47910, B=0x8a47914, flag=0xbfd32164, ctx=0x8aa7b40)
>    at snesj2.c:49
> #11 0x0811c7cf in DMMGComputeJacobianWithFD (snes=0x8a47840, x1=0x8a39c20,
>    J=0x8a47910, B=0x8a47914, flag=0xbfd32164, ctx=0x8a2b810) at
> damgsnes.c:365
> #12 0x0811a883 in DMMGComputeJacobian_Multigrid (snes=0x8a47840,
> X=0x8a39c20,
>    J=0x8a47910, B=0x8a47914, flag=0xbfd32164, ptr=0x8a2b6b0) at
> damgsnes.c:60
> #13 0x080fc610 in SNESComputeJacobian (snes=0x8a47840, X=0x8a39c20,
>    A=0x8a47910, B=0x8a47914, flg=0xbfd32164) at snes.c:1188
> #14 0x08124471 in SNESSolve_LS (snes=0x8a47840) at ls.c:189
> #15 0x08103fac in SNESSolve (snes=0x8a47840, b=0x0, x=0x8a39c20) at
> snes.c:2242
> #16 0x0811db31 in DMMGSolveSNES (dmmg=0x8a2b6b0, level=0) at damgsnes.c:510
> #17 0x08117029 in DMMGSolve (dmmg=0x8a2b6b0) at damg.c:313
> #18 0x08052ecc in Solve (dmmg=0x8a2b6b0) at twgcqt2unffnictv.c:679
> #19 0x0804def5 in main (argc=Cannot access memory at address 0x189d
> ) at twgcqt2unffnictv.c:303
> Same things happened to ex25.c from
> http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-as/snapshots/petsc-current/src/snes/examples/tutorials/ex25.c.html
> with
>  ierr = DMMGSetSNES(dmmg,FormFunction,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
> //  ierr =
> DMMGSetSNESLocal(dmmg,FormFunctionLocal,0,ad_FormFunctionLocal,0);CHKERRQ(ierr);
> Thanks a lot!
> Rebecca
> Quoting Jed Brown <jed at 59A2.org>:
>  On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 15:41:38 -0400, "(Rebecca) Xuefei YUAN"  <
>> xy2102 at columbia.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi,all,
>>> I have an error from
>>> ierr = DAGlobalToLocalBegin(dafield,X,INSERT_VALUES,localFIELD);
>>> CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>> where
>>> ierr = DMMGSetSNES(dmmg, FormFunction,0);CHKERRQ(ierr); is used for
>>> set up the SNES.
>>> So I check up the vector size of X, F, localFIELD where
>>>        ierr = DAGetLocalVector(dafield,&localFIELD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>>        PetscInt        nlocalFIELD,nX,nF;
>>>        ierr = VecGetSize(localFIELD,&nlocalFIELD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>>        ierr = VecGetSize(X,&nX);CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>>        ierr = VecGetSize(F,&nF);CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>>        ierr = DAGlobalToLocalBegin(dafield,X,INSERT_VALUES,localFIELD);
>>> CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>>        ierr =
>>>  DAGlobalToLocalEnd(dafield,X,INSERT_VALUES,localFIELD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>>        ierr =
>>> DAVecGetArray(dafield,localFIELD,&localfield);CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>> (gdb) disp nX
>>> 1: nX = 120
>>> (gdb) disp nF
>>> 2: nF = 120
>>> (gdb) disp nlocalFIELD
>>> 3: nlocalFIELD = 100
>> Is this run in parallel?  Note that the sizes of X and F are global,
>> while localFIELD is serial.  What error did you get?
>> Matt, it's clearly FormFunction and not FormFunctionLocal because the
>> function prototype has the SNES.
>> Jed
> --
> (Rebecca) Xuefei YUAN
> Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
> Columbia University
> Tel:917-399-8032
> www.columbia.edu/~xy2102

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments
is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments
-- Norbert Wiener
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