petsc on mac os x

Tahar Amari amari at
Fri May 15 03:41:01 CDT 2009

Hello ,

I am a new petsc user. I am trying to built petsc on mac os 10 (10.4  
and 10.5), but
always have errors.
Has anyone already built petsc for MAC OS X (any version of petsc or  
mac os x) .
If yes I would be grateful to get the configure options and the  
minimum requirements.
If it is not possible to built it  I would also appreciate to know it.

Thank you very much


T. Amari
Centre de Physique Theorique
Ecole Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau Cedex France
tel : 33 1 69 33 42 52
fax: 33 1 69 33 30 08
email: <mailto:amari at>

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