PETSC debugger

Jed Brown jed at
Mon Jul 20 04:47:35 CDT 2009

Ryan Yan wrote:
> Only debugging one processes is a way to go for my current bug(s).

There is another option for debugging multiple processes using screen
instead of X.  For the sake of cleanliness, start a new terminal and
open a special screen session for debugging

$ screen -S sdebug

Now in your original terminal, run the program like

$ mpirun -n 4 ./myapp -start_in_debugger -debug_terminal "screen -S sdebug -X screen"

(the quotes are important)

This opens four new windows within the screen session named "sdebug".

Recent versions of MPICH2 have a -gdb option which is a lightweight skin
for gdb that sends commands to all processes and collates the results,
but also allows you to drop to per-process debugging.  I had trouble
with it prior to release 1.1.


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