Performance degradation after upgrade to 3.0.0

Billy Araújo billy at
Sun Feb 1 15:01:19 CST 2009


Here are the files that contain all the information below. You can see that the matrices are the same, unless I am missing something here. :)

(I am resending them in compressed format).



-----Original Message-----
From: petsc-users-bounces at on behalf of Matthew Knepley
Sent: Sun 2/1/2009 6:07 PM
To: PETSc users list
Subject: Re: Performance degradation after upgrade to 3.0.0
In order to determine what is happening you first should:

  1) Confirm that the solver setup is identical using -ksp_view for
both versions

  2) Determine that the matrices are identical. Output both matrices using
      MatView() with a PetscBinaryViewer. You can diff the files, and
you can also
      solver both matrices using KSP ex10.

  3) Look at the residuals using -ksp_monitor. If they are different, something
      else has changed.


On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 6:32 AM, Billy Araújo <billy at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have also verified that there has been a degradation of performance using
> the new 3.0 version:
> This is my function calling PETSc:
>   KSP ksp;
>   PC pc;
>   KSPCreate (PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ksp);
>   KSPSetOperators (ksp, *A, *A, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);
>   KSPSetType (ksp, KSPFGMRES);
>   KSPGetPC (ksp, &pc);
>   PCSetType (pc, PrecondProc);
>   KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero (ksp, PETSC_TRUE);
>   KSPSetTolerances (ksp, 1E-50, maxtol, PETSC_DEFAULT, maxiter);
>   KSPSetFromOptions (ksp);
>   KSPSolve (ksp, *b, *x);
>   KSPGetIterationNumber (ksp, iter);
>   KSPGetResidualNorm (ksp, res);
>   KSPDestroy (ksp);
> with previous version 2.3.3-p6:
> Number of iterations: 42 Residual: +7.073781E-13 Time: +8.615024E-03
> now:
> Number of iterations: 500 Residual: +2.746161E-05 Time: +1.026870E-01
> It is reaching maximum number of iterations. The only thing I changed was:
> MatSetOption (*A, MAT_SYMMETRIC);
>  to
> I think I didn't change anything else.
> Regards,
> Billy.

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which
their experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener

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