extracting work vectors

jarunan at ascomp.ch jarunan at ascomp.ch
Fri Dec 4 04:25:11 CST 2009


I would like to use user-defined preconditioner PCSHELL for GMRES,
from which I need the work vector(Right hand side during solving which  
is residual) and approx solution.

I saw the function KSPGetRHS() which might give the exact right hand
side that I defined for the system. Is there any command to extract
the work vector?

 From PCShellSetApply(pc,apply)

where 'apply' define as PetscErrorCode apply (void *ptr,Vec xin,Vec xout)

Is xin automatically the approx solution?


Jarunan Panyasantisuk
Development Engineer
ASCOMP GmbH, Technoparkstr. 1
CH-8005 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone : +41 44 445 4072
Fax   : +41 44 445 4075
E-mail: jarunan at ascomp.ch

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