DA output question

Randall Mackie rlmackie862 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 18:03:57 CDT 2008

I simply scatter the DA vector to a natural vector on the 0th processor and
then output the grid, slice by slice, for example.


Barry Smith wrote:
>    There are not much in the way of tools to do this. The function 
> DAGetProcessorSubset() might
> be useful as a starting point.
>     Barry
> On Sep 17, 2008, at 9:59 AM, Amit.Itagi at seagate.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a 3D finite difference grid modeled using a DA. I use VecView to
>> write out the entire grid data to a file. What is the best way to just
>> write out a 2D slice of the 3D data ?
>> Thanks
>> Rgds,
>> Amit

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