Mpiexec e machinelist

Barry Smith bsmith at
Wed Dec 3 15:58:24 CST 2008

    I have modified the MPICH install process (from PETSc)
to print the how to start up the demon instead of
trying to start up the demon automatically.


On Dec 3, 2008, at 9:09 AM, Satish Balay wrote:

> On Wed, 3 Dec 2008, Santolo Felaco wrote:
>> Hi. How can I set the machine list with comand mpiexec of release of
>> mpiech integrate with Petsc 2.3.1?  With mpirun I set -machine-file.
> If you use the option --download-mpich=1, we just install MPICH2.
> We however default to using --with-pm=gforker - for convinence. If you
> wish to run across multiple machines - you need MPICH2 installed with
> pm=mpd, and then configure mpd across multiple machines - with the
> machine file. [mpich install with mpd can be done with petsc configure
> option --download-mpich-device=mpd. But additionally - you would have
> to manually configure mpd with the required machinefile]
> Alternatively - you can install your own MPI - as you desire - and
> then install PETSc with the option --with-mpi-dir [instad of --with-cc
> --with-fc --download-mpich=1] option. Each MPI impl [and version] will
> have a slightly different way of installing/configuring machinefiles.
> BTW: You are uisng a very old version of PETSc. Current release is
> petsc-2.3.3
> Satish

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